Chapter 28

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(Flicker by ENHYPEN.)


Annabeth's POV

We walk into the school receiving a lot of stares. I squeeze Percy's hand tighter and tighter each time someone looks over.

"When did they get together?"

"Percy should be dating her!"

"She doesn't deserve Percy."

"Why did Percy decide to date someone like that?"

Each comment burns my heart. Percy must've heard the whispers too because he leans over and whispers, "Hey, calm down. I chose to date you because you are different from the other girls. You are kinder, prettier, and funner."

I roll my eyes at his word choice, "Funner isn't a word. It's more fun Seaweed Brain."

"Whatever Wise Girl. Whatever." He murmurs.

As we walked down the hall the whispers only got louder and meaner.

"Ew she looks like dirt next to him."

"Look! She is swimming in his jacket."

My eyes start to burn. I quickly let go of Percy's hand and run outside. I sit down on the bleachers and look out to the football field. Warm tears slide down my face.

"Well lookie here." A high pitch voice calls out.

"Oh yeah. A hideous sight. What does Percy see in her."

"Nothing. He probably just feels bad for her. I kind of do too now." The two voices laugh.

"As if!" They continue to giggle.

I bury my face into my hands and cry.

"Get out of here you self obsessed monsters!!!"

Piper shoves them out of the way and walks over to me head held high.

"I heard what happened. Percy is looking everywhere for you."

I look up. I don't say anything. Piper groans, "He is really worried."

"What if they are right. Percy is just doing this cause he feels bad."

"Why would he do that? I can tell from the way he looks at you. He cares about you so much. He would never do that." Piper reasons. "Just go back in. Didn't he say he'll protect you today?"

I nod my head, "Wait! How do you know that?"

She looks at me sheepishly, "You may have buttdialed me and I didn't hang up."

"PIPER!" I yell accusingly.

"SORRY! I'm sorry Bethy. Please forgive me."

I roll my eyes. She knows I can't stay mad at her. "Fiiiine."

I take a deep breath and walk into the school with Piper by my side. We start to my locker.

"ANNABETH!!!" I meet Percy's wild eyes. He races over to me and holds me in his arms.

"Are you okay? I looked everywhere for you but you were nowhere. Then I ran into Piper and--" I cut him off with a kiss.

He quickly responded. People gasped all around us. I can clearly hear Piper fangirling.

I pull away, "I'm fine Percy. I just needed some fresh air." I say softly.

He nods.

The bell rings. "Well we better get to class."

"Nooooo!" Percy whines.

"I'll let you walk me there?"

He rolls his eyes and nods. He is trying to act upset about this arrangement but I can tell he is happy.

"We're here Percy."

"Just keep walking."



I look into his eyes. I pull away from him reluctantly. Hurt flashes in those beautiful orbs.

"You can meet me at my locker." I wave goodbye and walk into class.






True Love - Percabeth - Human AUWhere stories live. Discover now