Chapter thirty-six🐾

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Jin, Jungkook and I came back this morning. Each of needing showers after spending the whole night out in the woods be really I enjoyed myself so much.

After learning that Jungkook was that boy I met many years ago I honestly couldn't believe it. He's so much more different to what I remember but it kind of makes sense in some strange way. I couldn't of been happier with that news.

But when we got back Jungkook didn't want to leave my side but we had to for obvious reasons. Showering.

When we got back only Jimin, Taehyung and Yoongi were home. Namjoon and Hoseok were called in for a meeting which was about me but according to Jimin it was okay from what he heard about it so far.

With that all happening this morning I'm now in my shower, washing myself from the dirt in my hair and just relaxing. Scrubbing my body in lavender body scrub and body wash and then washing my hair with jasmine scented hair shampoo that I love the smell of.


I heard someone call my voice from my bedroom. Wiping my face from the excess water I stepped back from the shower just to make sure I wasn't hearing things.

"Hoseok!? Is that you!?"

"Y/N!!" Hoseok

Immediately my bathroom door was thrown open and in came Hoseok running to the shower, almost ripping the shower door off it's hinges and grabs me into his embrace. At first I didn't know what to do with myself given I'm naked right now and he hasn't seemed to have noticed. Yes I've been naked in front of Jin before but that was my fault for asking him to help me use the shower but now I've spent more time with them all and Hoseok just burst into the bathroom, I became quite embarrassed with myself right now.

But in the end I did end up putting my arms around him to hug him back. I just couldn't resist the temptation.

"Thank god you're back in one piece. Last night was insane, I was so worried." Hoseok

I let out a laugh, but stopped when he cupped my cheeks to start smothering me in kisses all over my face. Cheeks, forehead, nose and even on my eyes, he was just smothering me in them but I accepted each one from him. It was sweet and I liked it.

"I get why you ran away but please don't do that again. I missed you too much." Hoseok

Again pulling me into his embrace, my head to his chest it was amusing to think he hadn't yet noticed that I'm naked in front of him or he has but just didn't care right now. But it didn't take long for him to find out. I felt his hands slide down my wet back just to stop above my ass and I felt him tense suddenly.

"Erm.I'm sorry I seemed to have interrupted you." Hoseok

Yes you did.

Pressing my lips to a thin line trying to stop my burst of laughter in this moment I nodded.

"You finally noticed I'm naked huh?"

He hummed and slowly stepped back, holding me by the arms to make a distance between us. I could only smirk in this moment when I seen his rosy cheeks and the way he was trying his hardest to keep his eyes up to my face. His own hair was wet now, just as if he were in the shower with me and his clothes around the arms and shoulders were also soaked from the shower still on, sprinkling water over head.

"" Hoseok

I giggled at him acting all cute and shy. It was his fault we're in this situation and he still hasn't made the attempt to leave yet.

"Do you want to join me?"

Hoseok chocked, just to end up having a coughing fit in which I pat his back to help him but he just waved me off signalling he was fine.

"You might aswell you know? You're just as wet as I am but with clothes on."

His eyes widen and he finally looks my body up and down, taking in my nakedness in front of him and he shakes his head, stumbling over his own feet towards the shower door he left open.

"N-No, no. I'm fine t-thank you." Hoseok

Taking a further step towards him he finally stepped out the shower, walking backwards not taking his eyes off me.

"Are you sure?"

I tried to play as innocent as I could, but really I knew what I was doing, seeing him react like this and teasing was actually fun this way.

"Yeah I'm sure." Hoseok

"Another time then?"

I cocked my head to the side, leaning up against the shower door with one arm. Hoseok only nods and then spins around and runs out the bathroom as quick as he did to enter. I could only laugh, now turning off my shower because I'm finished and need to get dressed. Then to grab a towel to wrap it around my body and leave the bathroom to go into the bedroom to get my clothes from the wardrobe but I seen that Hoseok left my bedroom door open.

Sighing to myself but with a grin on my face because I was still amused with what happened, I walked over to the bedroom door just to close it but fate had something else in mind. Just as I grabbed the door handle, Taehyung wondered passed. At first he just glanced at me and intended to walk passed but then he did a second check and his eyes wondered up and down my body just to now stand in the middle of the corridor.

"Woah." Taehyung

I paused just to stand there frozen watching Taehyungs eyes wonder up and down my body since I'm only in a towel that come just below my ass so it's quite short on me.

"Taehyung what are you doing standing in the middle of the corridor like that?" Jin

Now came Jin, walking up to Taehyung with hands in his own pockets and didn't notice me just yet. Taehyung didn't look away as if he were frozen in his own mind but that made Jin now look towards me, eyes wide and quickly rushed over to me to stand in front of me and create a space between Taehyung and I, holding out his arms so Taehyung couldn't see.

"Look away. You're innocent eyes can't see this." Jin

Taehyung scoffed.

"Yeah okay. I'm far from innocent Jin and you know it. Y/n will find out one day." Taehyung

Then Taehyung took off walking down the corridor like nothing happened. Jin rolled his eyes, glanced over his shoulder to see Taehyung walking away and turned back to sigh in relief.

"Thank god. You got to watch him Y/n that boy can be you already know." Jin

I nodded.

"Yeah I know."

"I did come to ask you if everything was okay but I guess you are?" Jin

"Yeah I'm good."

Jin nods, biting on his lower lip. I just stood there awkwardly, thinking I need to close my door to change but I could tell Jin had something on his mind.

"Tonight we're having some drinks, so maybe you could join us?" Jin

I knew he had something to say.

"I'll join you. When you say drinks what do you mean by that?"

Jin stretched a smile and then just patted the top of my head.

"You're so cute. By drinks I mean alcohol, you haven't tried any yet have you?" Jin

I shook my head, not that I can think of. I know what it is since they all drink it but never have I tried any.

"Good then. Tonight you can try it with us and we can just have some fun but I'll leave you to get dressed and I'll see you later." Jin

I nodded and sent him a little wave just before he started to walk away but I did notice the little smirk upon his face when he left. That man is up to something.

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