Chapter seventeen🐾

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Since yesterday I've been in deep thoughts about Taehyung wearing that shocker thing. It looked super uncomfortable to wear and may heavy too. I felt bad that he wore that all day yesterday but never once did he speak to me or even try to. The same for coming near me too.

To be honest I was thankful for that he didn't try any of those things but that didn't stop me from feeling bad.

Last night like every night Jungkook came into my room and we played games. This time jimin came too and they ended up crashing in my room and I woke up this morning squashed between two hybrids that were warm and cuddly. It's the first time I've done that with any of them but I actually liked it. They made me feel safe just being cuddled between them.

But sadly they had to work all day today but should be home soon.

It was evening now and Kwan like always kept me company throughout the day. I know that Taehyung was also home all day. I got enough courage to walk or more like limp around the house instead of being stuck in my room. I liked to think because of being with all of them yesterday swimming and having slept next to Jungkook and Jimin, I feel more confident about waking around the house more freely.

I've seen Taehyung twice and both times instead of glaring at me or growling he just takes one glance at me and either walks away or keeps a large distance between us. He still has that collar on which I'm curious about and o could of asked Kwan but I actually wanted to ask one of the others about it. Especially jin since he made a big fuss about Taehyung wearing one.

Everyone else was due to come back from work and only Taehyung, Jin and Hoseok were home that I knew of. So when I was watching tv and Kwan fell asleep on the couch next to me I took the opportunity to wonder to the kitchen by myself for the first time.

I could smell food cooking so someone had to be in there but I didn't know what I would do if it were Taehyung.

Entering the large kitchen I was relieved to see it was only Jin and Hoseok cooking and talking to one another. Jin had his back to me as I walked in but as Hoseok was facing me he noticed straight away and smiled at me. Before he could even say anything Jin turned around as if he sensed I was even in the room and also smiled at me but quickly dropped it when he noticed Kwan was no where in sight.

"Where's Kwan? He should he with you." Jin

I shrugged and walked further into the kcitjen just to stop opposite them with only the large kitchen counter in the centre of the room between us.

"He fell asleep. He didn't get much sleep last night because his sister called him about a break up that didn't end so well."

It's true. Kwan told me earlier he didn't get much sleep last night because one of his younger sisters had gone through a bitter break up and needed the comforting conversation of her brother to help her get through it.

"Oh. That sucks." Hoseok

I hummed and yet agreed. I may not have been through something like that but when Kwan told me about it, I couldn't help but feel sympathetic to his sister. It sounded horrible.

"By the way what are you both making?"

I stood on my tippy toes to see what they were doing. Hosoek was cutting up vegetables and Jin was doing something by the cooker. Now that I live here and been around, I've learned what some things are in this kitchen room. Sometimes I forget what they're called but I'm getting there.

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