Chapter twenty🐾

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It was very late at night and outside beyond the bedroom doors I could hear everyone cleaning and the smell of the bleach was very strong.

I tried to go out to help once Kwan left to also go help but I was gently pushed back in by Hoseok and told to go to bed. I wanted to help but it seemed as though my help wasn't needed despite how large this house is.

So I just went to bed and decided to sleep some since there wasn't anything else for me to do.

It was a peaceful sleep actually, none of those nightmares I sometimes get when recalling the memory of Taehyung sneaking into my bedroom at night to attack me. No. I didn't get anything like that for once and I was more than fine with that.

I was deep in sleep until I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist as the bed shifted on their weight behind me. At first I shot open my eyes in panic but then relaxed when I could smell his familiar cologne.

"Argh, I'm shattered." Jungkook

I smiled to myself hearing his voice and rolled over onto my other side just to face him. From what I can tell close up in the dark his eyes were half shut meaning he could see and as I've found out before, he eye sight is by far a lot better than mine. That's for sure.

"Just go to sleep then."

I snuggled closer to his chest for extra warmth and he chuckled just to rest his chin on the top of my head.

"I would but I've missed you all day." Jungkook

"But I'm right here though."

He only hummed, and on the small of my back I could feel his hand gently caress my spine soothingly.

"I have to tell you that our moms are coming tomorrow so when we wake up I'll have to take you to my room for the day." Jungkook

He whispered only loud enough for me to hear even if there was only the two of us in the room.

"Tomorrow? That soon?"

Again he hummed, shifting closer to me if that was possible.

"Mhm. You'll be fine in my room though. They won't be able to sniff you out that way. My scent will mask yours." Jungkook

"Can I play mario kart while your busy then?"

He nodded but stifled a laugh to prevent himself from making a lot of noise.

"Yes you can play as much mario kart as you want. But y/n no matter how much you practise you can never beat me." Jungkook

I slapped his arm lazily with a scoff just to push back from him to see his face as clearly as I possibly could in this dark room.

"Are you kidding me? I beat you twice already in that game. I don't need practice. It's you that needs the practise."

"Sure. That's because I let you win." Jungkook

"No way you let me win. Someone that lets you win doesn't get all mad and throw the bean bag chair across the room now do they?"

I raised a brow at him knowing he's lying to make himself feel better but he was only grinned at me mischievously.

"It's an act to make you feel like you actually won." Jungkook

I rolled my eyes at him knowing he's lying. But whatever I'll let him believe that if he wants to.

"But about tomorrow y/n, Kwan can't stay with you all of the time. He'll be back and forth because if our moms find that Kwan is no where to he seen they'll think it's suspicious because Kwan is always around." Jungkook

I dropped my smile and nervously nodded thinking of the events of tomorrow.

"But I'll still get to see him? What if your moms smell me on him? Wont they find out that way?"

"You still get to see him y/n it just means he can't hug you or even so much as hold you hand. Your scent will rub off on him. It's just safer that way until we figure a way out to tell them all about you." Jungkook

That's understandable I guess. I'm not ready to meet other hybrids at all. It took me so long to get use to these hybrids I'm currently living with never mind all the hybrids beyond this house. So I'm in no rush.

"Why are they coming anyway? Just to say hello?"

Jungkook presses a smile yet nods, his eyes more fully awake compared to when we first began to talk but his position laying next to me with his arms around me didn't go away either. Not that I wanted them to, he made me feel safe.

"Yes and no. Obviously it's to check in but our moms always have a motive when coming around. I even heard Jimin earlier saying he thinks it about having a mate in our lives." Jungkook

A flooded memory came back to me. The very conversation of Jin telling me he has a mate was quite upsetting.

"Do you have one?"

I shyly asked him but scared of the answer.

"Have what? A mate?" Jungkook

I only nodded, yet looked away so I wouldn't meet his eyes.


"Of course I have one. Every hybrid has one." Jungkook

"Have you met her or him or whatever?"

He let out this cute little giggle and pulled me right up against his chest squeezing me tightly in his arms.

"Yes I have. She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life." Jungkook

Jealousy rose up inside myself to know he has a mate and met her made me jealous. First Jin and now Jungkook. But I also have sneaky suspicions that Namjoon has one too.

"That's great. I bet she's everything you could ever ask for."

I couldn't help but say the sarcastic remark to him but that only made him hold me tighter but still now squeeze the living day lights out of me.

"Your so silly y/n. But let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go to sleep." Jungkook

"No, why would your mom be coming if you have met your mate? Have they not met her yet? Do you all have a mate?"

I was filled with questions that was in my mind but he pushed me back just to cup my face and force me to look into his eyes that were somehow in the dark.

"Y/n listen to me. Our moms don't know but yes we all have a shared mate, meaning all seven of us have that one mate that we all share that bond with." Jungkook

"Even Taehyung?"

I whispered, still gazing deep into his eyes. I don't know why I asked about him but maybes it because I couldn't believe someone like him has someone special to him.

"Yes even Tae. Now please y/n let's just get some sleep for tomorrow okay?" Jungkook

I felt his thumb gently smooth across my right cheek and I could only but nod at him.

"Great. Good night y/n." Jungkook

"Goodnight Jungkook."

He pressed a smile upon his lips, leaning closer just to kiss the tip of my nose before he pulls me back in to his chest ready to sleep the night away in each other's arms.

Just to know he's here with me, I knew I was safe from anything that posed a danger to me. But if he has a mate, how long will this last?

Will she hate me too?

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