Chapter Sixty-four🐾

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Months have passed by and I'm due to give birth any day now. But me being as stubborn as I am, I wanted to go out and see the guys at work. I was left alone at home with Kwan since I've been told to stay home and rest but I'm restless and just wanted to see them.

Yoongi and Jungkook were suppose to stay at home with me today but they couldn't because an emergency meeting came up and they had to attend. There was no getting out of it so Namjoon left Kwan in charge of me to be sure that I rest but Kwan is having a hard time telling me no.

So have lot of bickering between Kwan and I, eventually he caved and we were on our way to the office in the city.

For months I've managed to stay out the public eye and I know I will most likely be seen with a massive pregnant belly but I don't care, it's not unknown that I'm pregnant anyway.

Once Kwan parked up the car outside on the street, he got out first and rushed around the car to my side just to open the door for me and gave me his hand to help me get up out the car. But I didn't let go of his hand just yet. I noticed some paparazzi that were already eyeing us up from a far so I made sure to keep a hold of Kwan when he locked up the car and together we made a quick get away to the buildings entrance where security had to but in and stop them from coming inside with us. Thank god.

Dragging Kwan by the hand we made it into the elevator which was empty and since it's mid day I know that a lot of people will still be working but soon enough everyone will be heading to lunch and I want to hide in Yoongi's office before that happens.

When we finally reached the floor we made a quick exit and rushed towards Yoongi's office but on the way I found Soobin who was shocked to see me. Standing outside his booth he waved at me with a large grin but I waved back and quickly grabbed him too and dragged him across the hallway towards Yoongi's office which wasn't locked since he never locks it.

Pushing both men inside I shut the door behind me and giggled knowing we made it in one peace.

"Y/n what are you doing here? You're suppose to be at home resting." Soobin

I shrugged at him pushing off the door but Kwan scoffed, scratching the top of his head between his large round ears.

"That's what I've been telling her but she wont listen." Kwan

"You know they're going to tear you a new one when they find out you took her here." Soobin

He chuckled towards Kwan who sighs and sits down on a chair in front of Yoongi's desk.

"Don't I know it but I cant say no to Y/n." Kwan

I laughed because it was true and also took up a seat but I chose to sit in Yoongi's large leather chair behind his desk and lean back, putting my feet up on his desk.

"To answer your question Soobin I was bored. Being locked up in the house was just annoying and so I decided to surprise everyone here at work."

"But in Yoongi's office?" Soobin

"Og that reminds me!"

Taking my feet off the desk I leaned to the side as much as my belly would allow me and took out a pen and pad of yellow sticky notes. I began writing six separate little notes for the boys and held then out towards Soobin.

He frowned at me but took them. Kwan too was just curiously watching from his chair in front of me.

"What's this for?" Soobin

"Could you but a note on each of their desks for me please? Or just stick the notes on their doors. It's just to let them know I'm here cause I was bored at home."

Soobin just nods and walks out the room skimming through the notes himself. They all say the same thing anyway so it doesn't matter.

I shot a smile to the nervous Kwan fiddling with his tail and looking around the room.

"Kwan relax, you wont get in that much trouble and if they do give you in trouble I'll sort them out."

I winked at him leaning back in the chair to rest my hands on my belly.

"Easy for you to say. You're their mate, they wont strangle you." Kwan

I let out a laugh again, shaking my head at his absurd comment.

"They wont strangle you Kwan, they're not that bad. Plus like you said I'm their mate so they'll listen to me. Especially right now."

I grinned at my stomach only speaking facts. There's nothing they wont do for me and right now I can pretty much get away with anything I want to.

Kwan started talking but I zoned out when I felt something sharp tense across my stomach forcing me to gasp at the pain and sit up instantly when I felt wetness gush out of me. All over the chair and floor.

"Oh fuck. I'm done for. I knew I shouldn't of listened to you." Kwan

He stood up from his seat and came o my side, taking my hand to help me stand so he could run his hand down my leg.

"Yep, Y/n your water broke." Kwan

"I know."

I whispered still in some kind of shock that his is happening right now. I felt fine all day and now this happens?

"Y/n? Kwan? What are you two doing here?"

Kwan and I shot a frightened look towards Yoongi walking in, frowning at the both of us. Silence picked up between us and Yoongi looked back and forth between Kwan and I until he came closer and looked down at my legs.

Yoongi's eyes shot open wide and let out a small growl before rushing towards me and picking me up bridal style.

"What the hell are you doing here Y/n when your water broke?" Yoongi

He charged out the room to be met with Jungkook and Jimin already at the door.

"I felt fine."

I whispered to him, resting my head on his chest but passing Jungkook and Jimin that didn't stop Yoongi.

"Hyung!! Where are you taking her?" Jimin

"Hospital!" Yoongi




Yoongi didn't look back and continued to rush towards the elevator with me still in his arms. Jin was already there holding the doors open for Yoongi. Everyone seemed to pile into the elevator. Jungkook taking my hand in his while I noticed the way Namjoon was glaring at Kwan.

"Time to have these babies Y/n." Jin

I heard him whisper in my ear over my shoulder but I just smiled nervously and nodded.

It sure is time.

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