New year new me...yeah no I can't keep any promises...

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Hello, how's everything? I am back? Maybe just for a now, maybe I'll be upload more often. But knowing me. I am probably not going to. School has been hell and I am incredibly busy and going insane, but apparently writing 1k words for some cute shit for fun is easier than writing 600 words for a scholarship essay. Someone end me. Well, here you are. Enjoy this new chapter for now...

The story behind this: this is not part of the canon material, it is a short scene in the mall, before they get dinner. Something I just thought about...
Ruby never cared much about appearances. Never cared for dresses. Never cared for doing anything outrageous with her hair. Neither did she care whether her shirt matched her jeans, which frankly wasn't the best thing not to care about - such as those turquoise pants and yellow shirt she wore on Christmas Day when she was 8. However, as Zu dragged her to the nail polish section, pulling a red one off of the closest shelf, and then pulling her back to their camping ground, gesturing for her to sit down, nail polish just became the most important thing in the world.

"Do you me to paint your nails?" Ruby asked, already knowing the answer. Zu simply shook her head and held out her hand for Ruby to rest her on, so she could start painting.

Ruby considered refusing, she considered how easily she could slip into the little girls mind. But, when she saw how Zu's face lit up when she sat down beside her, she realised the only way out of this was if PSI invaded this semi-abandoned store.

She placed her hand into Zu's, her face scrunching up with joy and excitement.

As Zu began painting her nails, Ruby wondered if everything had been normal, whether this would be a common occurrence for her. Her mom would occasionally wear nail polish, but she never wanted Ruby to wear it. Nevertheless, as Zu painted her nails, Ruby let her mind drift. Thinking about a different time. Thinking about the lost sleepovers. Thinking about all the kids in her primary school class. In that moment she yearned for a different time, not because of Zu, or Liam, or Chubs, not even because of the weird kids that occupied this Walmart. She yearned for a different time for all of them...A time where they wouldn't use stores like this as a hiding place, rather they'd traverse the aisles picking up groceries or just browsing what was in stock.

"Ladies!" Liam's voice called from around a corner. "We brought dinner!"

Soon both Liam and Chubs appeared looking stunned at the scene unfolding before them. Zu with her new pink gloves and Ruby, letting Zu paint her nails, using nail polish that matched the prom dress Zu had pulled from the rack earlier, more than her current outfit.

"I see you're comfortable." Liam joked dropping a couple of twinkies and other food that should not be eaten at a daily basis, before the two girls. "Is there a line for Zuzu's Salon?"

"I think I'm the only customer so far." Ruby commented as Zu grabbed her other hand, moving the nail polish. "I would recommend it though."

"Well, I'm next then!" Liam said dropping between Ruby and Zu, Chubs following soon. "And then Chubs!"

"Don't you rope me into your antics!" Chubs warned, opening a book he brought with him, from his and Liam's scavenge for food.

"Alright, alright..." Liam sighed as Zu finished putting nail polish on Ruby's left pinky. She then gestured to Liam to give her his hand. Naturally, Liam obliged, making Chubs chuckle slightly. Then, silence filled the air until Zu finished her work with Liam.

"You get more intimidating by the day Lee." Chubs said, eyeing Liam both surprised and endeared by the situation.

"So do you do you." Liam retorted knocking on the back of Chubs's book. "Your turn now Zu!" He added enthusiastically, turning to the little girl.

Zu blushed, but shook her head looking away.

"Come on Zu! Would you like Ruby to do it, she's probably better at it anyway?"

"No, I don't think so." Ruby retorted looking at Liam, shaking her head rapidly. Zu also shaking her head, holding her gloved hands to further stop Liam.

"Are you scared, you'll hurt me?" Liam asked tilting his head to the side, like a small puppy. Zu looked away from the gazes of Liam, Ruby and Chubs. Only then Ruby realised how much she truly yearned for a normal life. She would trade a life in Thurmond or a life on the run, so Zu could lead a normal life. Not afraid to touch anyone. Not afraid of whether they would see a new day. Or in general. Not afraid. In that moment she knew that Liam and Chubs were thinking the same thing. All of them wanted Zu to feel like a normal girl. Like everything was okay. But Ruby acknowledged that Zu knew the world wasn't normal. Not anymore at least. Out of all of them, she definitely did not underestimate Zu's knowledge and own yearnings.

At the same time. Ruby understood Zu's fear. It was an identical fear of hers that kept her from keeping her from holding onto her comrades. But Zu was different. Zu could control herself...

In that moment, however, Ruby acted on impulse. She pulled Zu's hand close to her and took of the glove, before Zu could react.

"Here!" Ruby said, placing the pink glove on her knee, on top of which she rested Zu's hand. "See it's alright! You don't have to be afraid of hurting me like this! I'm not scared at the slightest of you, but a pretty girl like you, should not miss out on having her nails painted!"

In that moment a wide grin spread across Zu's face. Both Liam and Chubs looked surprised at Zu giving in, but when Ruby looked over at Liam he was smiling at them as much as Zu smiled at Ruby before. Or perhaps he was smiling at Ruby only.

"So. This colour good? Or do you want to get a different one?" Ruby asked Zu, her heart doing a little victory dance.
Well I hope you enjoyed,l. It's midnight on a school night so ignore any spelling mistakes. I did my best.
For now,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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