The Natural Number Following 8 and Preceding 10 (Thanks Wikipedia)

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Hello people that are reading this, I have returned in full glory and gloom and I'm bringing you another ONE SHOT! There shall be even more ONE SHOT'S because I have gotten AMAZING suggestions from KeeperSquadWrites ((So go be nice to her)). Anyway, this oneshot (and possibly a couple of other) will include SPOILERS FOR THE DARKEST LEGACY! If you haven't read it yet, go, like go. Don't let me spoil it for you. So go read The Darkest Legacy and then go read this and if you're one of those special snowflakes that likes spoilers, feel free to stick around, but it might not make any sense. LETS GET INTO THIS!

((I'm also terribly sorry for not being able to update early. My life has been a mess for the past 4 or so months and I really didn't have the time))

The story behind this: **SPOILERS FOR THE DARKEST LEGACY** After Ruby wakes up, Liam is the first to know ((because he's our walking hug)) and then we'll see what happens next...


As soon as my eyes fluttered open I was greeted with unpleasant brightness. I moved my hand over my face trying to block the daylight from my eyes.

There was a strange tugging sensation when I moved my arm. I waited for a second where I let my eyes adjust to the light before glance to the side where the tugging sensation was coming from. An IV.

I tried to sit myself up feeling a wisp of cold around my neck. I reached for my head, searching for my hair which wasn't there. That's when I started to piece things together.

It hurt my head just trying to think about what had happened. I thought about what the others must have been through. How I never told Liam, Chubs, Vida...Even Zu what I was doing and how I left it up to them to come rescue me.

It dawned on me only a second later I still had no idea where I was. It was definitely a hospital, but I still had no certainty I was safe. Everything could have changed. I could have just imagined them saving me.

Then suddenly, the door in the corner of the room came open and a familiar figure walked through the door.

"Holy shit," the tall man with a thin nose and face, dressed in a blue suit sighed. "Thank god...thank god you're awake!"

Chubs came up to me and gave me a strong hug, before gently punching me in the shoulder.

"Hey!" I said, feeling a bit strange as I heard my voice for the first time in a while.

"What the hell were you thinking!" He growled at me. "Do you have any idea what we've been through!"

"I'm sorry." I whispered weekly.

"Just—" Chubs sighed with slightly less venom, "I'll tell you everything. Just let me tell everyone you're okay. They've all been really worried."

I glanced out of the window from where the light was coming from and heard a click as Chubs took a photo of me and sent to Lee,  Vida and Zu I assumed.

"Zu became a fugitive—"


"I was getting to that, but I guess the start of your sentence was more important than an explanation from me."  Chubs mumbled under his breath making me roll my eyes.

He explained everything that had gone down in the time I was out. He said how Liam got shot and how Zu and her differently different friends figured out where I was and where to reach me. How they saved me and the kids that were there.

"Where are they now?"

"Zu is somewhere, but I'm pretty sure we'll see her again, Vi is somewhere being Vi and Liam. Well Liam is on his way. And I'm pretty sure—"

The moment he mentioned Liam the door flew open and Liam burst through the door wearing his favorite flannel shirt and as soon as he saw me he trudged towards me.

At that moment I completely remembered everything that had happened and I broke down into his shirt. Chubs told me what had happened with Haven and I wasn't even able to comprehend what the kids went through and what Liam was going through the entire time. Not knowing what happened to the kids, not knowing what had happened to me, hearing about Zu...

When I looked up again I saw that Chubs had left us alone. I looked up at Liam and saw that he had bags under his eyes.

"Hey darlin'" he said smiling at me and if I wasn't crying then I was definitely crying now...
Hi, this was a quick and short chapter I wrote on my way from training and I'm so sorry that I haven't had the time to write. I've taken a lot up this year and I might be graduating a year earlier and it's been really stressful and difficult for me. I hope you understand and you don't mind that updates won't be as frequent as they used to be, but I just don't have the time. I just want everyone to know that I'm so grateful that you guys are still reading, and enjoying, this book and I really appreciate it. I do hope I'll be able to update more often, but I can't promise anything. Thank you for reading this rather short and boring chapter and I might return to this one when I have more time and improve the hell out of it. So thank you and see you soon hopefully,


Miscellaneous Darkest Minds One Shots and Random Things That Pop Into My HeadWhere stories live. Discover now