The Pizza With The Four Cheeses...Wait its actually called Quattro Formaggi...Oh

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Yeah I'm an idiot. I literally keep saying "oh I'll update more often". HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah no...I honestly didn't have time in March to do anything. Swimming started and my school went on a trip so I'm actually going to try update again by April ((she says updating at the end of July...GOOD JOB THALIA! GOOD JOB)), but well...with my track record I ain't updating anytime soon...((no shit Sherlock considering the fact you're using a description from April and it's fucking July))BUT I'll try...(( Minds...

The story behind this: since I did the car scene though Zu's eyes, considering how close we are to the release of the movie ((whoop whoop August 3rd)) I decided to do the same thing ((cause I'm not original at all but still wanna update)) except through the eyes of our favorite, our fabulous, our person...Chubs ((Chuckles? Charles? Chip?))
Chubs PoV

"Chubs," Liam told me walking back to Betty, "you must be hearing things. There's no way she could have followed us here. Plus right now I'm more worried about Zu."

"I'm sure Zu's fine...we'd know if she wasn't."

As we walked towards the beat up black minivan I felt sort of strange. It was as if we were being watched and when there's a bounty hunter trying to shove you back into a concentration camp it's never a good sign.

Once we finally got to the minivan I sighed and pushed up my glasses. "Liam she had no problem tracking us before, I swear to god it was her, Liam!" I told him opening the door to Betty to reveal Zu comfortably sat on one of the back seats, "And, look, I told you she'd beat us back. Suzume, did you run into trouble?"

Luckily, especially for me and Liam, she shook her head and gave us a reassuring smile.

"Thank God," Liam said letting out a sigh of relief, "Come on, come on, come on, get in. I don't know what's going on, but I don't want to stay long enough to find out. The skip tracers were bad enough-"

"Why won't you admit that it was her?" I snapped getting in the passenger seat and Liam got in the drivers seat. I was tired of him constantly bullshitting our situation for Zu. I was sure she knew exactly what was going on.

"because we ditched her in Ohio, that's whyl" Liam said and I immediately wanted to snap back. However, as I heard a somewhat familiar voice call outta trail of thought was interrupted.

"Ruby! Ruby!" The voice called out. I recognized it. But how and who was Ruby?

"What in the world?" I said looking at Liam worriedly, "is that what I think it is?"

Before Liam was able to answer a gunshot went off. I turned around to see where it was coming from. Then another went off.

"Stop!" The voice called out. "Don't shoot!"

"LEE!" I yelled urgently strapping my seatbelt.

"I know, I know!" Liam said rather calmly considering the situation we were in and started the minivan. "Zu, seatbelt!" And not a second after we heard the click of her seatbelt Liam urged the car forward, tossing all of its passengers.

After about 10 minutes of silence where I guess everyone was trying to comprehend what just happened Liam spoke up.

"Zu, did something happen in the gas station?"

I loved Zu more than anyone in this car. She was like a little sister to me. She never deserved this to happen to her. She helped us escape and I wanted to protect her. However, she looked fine. If something did happen she would tell us and there was something bothering me more than the idea of dinner.

Miscellaneous Darkest Minds One Shots and Random Things That Pop Into My HeadWhere stories live. Discover now