𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔

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welcome back, it's been awhile

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"FUCK JONAH!" I heard Peter yell as it was obvious Jack was egging him on, music blared from his room and the two sat toghter sharing a beer. I snorted as they began to feed into each others ideology about peters brother. Though we all knew Jack was just bitter and petter had more of a genuine reason to be upset with him. Despite the conversation it didn't seem to alter their moods , perhaps due to the alcohol.

Peter had only one drink and his speech began to slur, it fed into the orient of him being a 'tough' guy. I leaned over grabbing the bottle clutched between his hands and had lipgloss stained on the rim. I chuckled as Jack seemed almost unaffected and still entertained him. "You light weight!" Jack said shaking his head laughing. "I-IM NOT A LIGHT WEIGHT!" He yelled out causing me and Jack to break into a fit of laughter. We all sat outside at the table in jacks backyard. We all had a beer in front of us ,though peters was taken away. Mine I had sipped on distastefully, jacks half full and peters can empty. "You remember that one song we used to sing in middle school?!" Peter pipped up with a smile as he began to sing some silly breakup song. He wasn't the best singer but I didn't mind listening to him as Jack joined in.

But it wasn't anything close to what I expected when Jack joined in. Jack looked ahead as he head hung a bit from the alcohol. He sang out along with Peter his voice a bit quieter compared to peters loud booming voice. I starred in awe as he sang an addle song with a small smile to his lips. As we ate our dinner and discussed I was happy that this night Jack seemed to express himself around Peter in a way I hadn't seen. He was so natural with a friend, but I couldn't help but wonder why my relationship with him differed than with Peter.

he wasn't as kind and gentle with him, he was loud and insulted him a lot but still smiled and laughed. He acted idiotic but it brought smiles to my face as well as Peter as they hit each other and yelled at each other playfully. Something about Jack having fun with someone gave my heart a warm soft feeling.

I would cherish this moment forever.

next thing I knew petter had grabbed my face and smiled at me kindly, his hand secured on my face squeezing gently. He had formed eye contact with me and failed to break it before he began to laugh and let go. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks heat up at the intimacy that we just shared. Before I knew it Jack had spun me around after yelling some nonsense about it being his turn. He grabbed my face and leaned in close his brown eyes making themselves stand out more than usual. He was drunk, but Jack was always drunk. The smell of alcohol had done more than linger from his breath, the smell more than usual but fortunately he hasn't drank all too much tonight, he was tolerable in this moment. The moment where he stared into my eyes and slowly began to close his eyes to blink. He blinked slowly before his eyes stayed shut. "Close your eyes herron." He whispered.

For some reason the loud music that once blared as well as the intoxicated voice of Peter had died down. I felt alone when I closed my eyes. I felt like the only one there was Jack who's fingers laid against my face. I felt him press his lips to mine and couldn't help the cheek grin that I felt coming. Despite me almost laughing he kept his lips attached only every few seconds he would pulled back and kiss again. He began to litter me with kisses moving to my cheek and further down. He kissed my chin, to my neck and back to my mouth again. I giggled lightly before I threw my arms around him holding him in a hug. The smell of his alcohol no longer so bothersome. He hesitated as he stuttered in action before I felt his head lean against the crook of my neck as he rested in a bit of a drunken buzz. I sighed happily as I began to hear the music and peters noise as he talked to himself. But I didn't care,

I was just happy.

hours had gone by and I smiled as I poured myself a mug of hot water and dropped my tea bag in. I grabbed the honey and sugar from the cabinet. I grabbed the sugar pouring a good amount as well repeating the same with the honey. I grabbed a spoon, a lighter and a stray pack of cigarettes I found on the counter. As I carried my things Jack and Peter lay out in the living room sleeping with loud snores. Peters lip gloss clearly smeared across his face and on to the floor where he lay sleep, I chuckled as my eyes took me over to Jack. He was on the couch sleep I noticed his hair had grown a lot since I had to cut it. I carried it all barefoot outside to the step on the patio. I sat down with my stuff beside me on the step and sighed aloud, grateful the night was over. I looked ahead feeling a familiar form of guilt when my eyes lay on Jonah Marais's home. The words he said circled my head once again.

I had to help Jack. Though it was hard, I wanted to keep my friendship with him but it would be hard if I took away his coping mechanisms from his hands, he would hate me. Just like Jonah, Corbyn and everyone else. I closed my eyes and gripped my mug hard as I made a promise to myself.

before next summer, Jack Avery would never want to touch a drug again.

I will make any sacrifice for him

no matter what it takes.

It's about to get a little interesting.

It's about to get a little interesting

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