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"Why?" I thought out loud and jack rolled his eyes approaching me. He stood in-front of me while I still sat on the counter. He glared harshly and raised his left eyebrow questionably. "Why?" He repeated and I could feel the tension.
he took a step forward and he was between my legs, It was now more intimidate than before and I felt my body begin to shake.m my face now burning. I nodded looking away to the side panicking by him being in-between my thighs.

I inhaled his scent and he smelled of strawberries and cigarettes

"I don't want Jonah's hands on you ever."He spat angrily starring into my eyes. "Just Jonah's?" I dare ask despite already being nervous. I didn't want to ruin the friendship we had with the question but I wanted to know, I needed to know. "Anyone's... l don't want anyone's hands on you." He muttered.
Silence surrounded us now and I was shocked to hear what he had said now both of us starring down. I was right that he was jealous all along. I didn't know what would go on from here.

Suddenly I felt his forehead against my own and he was much closer now his torso touching the counter between my thighs and he now reached out and put his hands on each side my my waist. It was a new feeling but I didn't want to pull away. His touch was different than the ones I had felt before. "I don't want you around jonah,okay?"
I nodded though I wasn't going to follow through. In fact I was planning on meeting him and the other boys tonight at corbyns place because they had asked me to come over in a text.

Jack pulled away but his hands still rested on my waist making me blush when he looked at my face. "Where were you last night? Have you been drinking?" He asked lowly and I nodded in shame. "I'm sorry I should be setting a better example I-"

"We all slip up sometimes just promise next time when you do that you tell me first.."

"No, I can't lean on you when I need you to lean on me. I'm not going to do it again." I said shaking my head determined to get my feelings and emotions stable. I pushed his hand off my waist and got off the counter now we were inches apart.

Jack didn't move out of my way he just now had a scowl on his face. "Why does it just have to be you?" He asked and I looked down at my feet. I could see his hands curled into fists in frustration and I looked back to see his face red. "I want.." he trailed off trying to calm down.

"What do you want?" I pushed wanting to know. "I want.."

I waited in silence feeling his breath hit my skin sending shivers down my spine. I wasn't used to being this close to him and I wasn't sure how I was feeling about him latley, he had been acting weird lately and it scared me.
Maybe he was on a new type of drug and it made him this way. I wish he knew how much I wanted him to get sober

I wish he knew how much I cared.

"I want us to be able to lean on each other. No more doing this alone.. whatever you're going through I want to be apart of, I want you to lean on me." He sighed his breath hitting my face again and oddly I breathed in his scent. My eyelids fluttered shut and I sighed as well before nodding in agreement.

Soft lips met mine and for the first time they weren't carrying the smell of alcohol or post drinking throw up, in-fact it was a new smell I never experienced when being close.

The smell of his natural self sober.

My lips moved slightly against his and soon his arms snaked around my waist again.

I was confused,so damn confused and so was jack. It was wrong to kiss right now when we weren't sure how we really felt about eachother. I always had a feeling that it was weird that jack and I got along so well despite only knowing each other for a little while now.

I didn't know why I cared so much about a drug addict and I doubt he truly cared about me. This wasn't the first time we kissed but this was the first time we kissed sober

But could you consider our kiss sober if we both were so lost?

"I want to be with you." Jack spoke after breaking our kiss. My face felt hot and my eyes widened. I was never expecting those words to ever leave his mouth and I wasn't sure if either of us were confident in our sexuality's. "In a friendly way?" I tried correcting him.
"In a romantic way." He spoke confidently and I quickly looked away shocked. Many things swam through my head in the moment and I wasn't sure what to say.
"You can think about it but I'll be here..waiting." He said before retreating upstairs. Seconds later daniel had came down the stairs with his bag and a smile on his face. "Cmon we have a meeting with the guys, remember?"

The meeting flew past my head as I zoned in and out. All I could think about was jack Avery. "Hey!" Jonah said with base in his voice and not only did it startled me it suprised everyone. I quickly looked at him biting my lip nervously. "Of course you're not listening, we should've never involved him!" Jonah yelled standing up and approaching me. Things were escaloquickly and I didn't know why.

"You don't really care about jack, admit it. You're only there to leach off his mom." Jonah accused.

'What is Jonah's problem?'



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