Chapter Seven

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Gerard's POV

Frank was taking forever copying the notes down, he had even pulled out his chemistry book, and was glancing back and forth between what I had written and the book - man this guy was really serious about school.

I was basically an inch away from him now, and he still hasn't reacted at all to my subtle advances, maybe he was just too caught up in studying to notice.

After sitting there awkwardly for about five minutes, I admitted defeat, for now that is, and got up to go turn on some music; I picked Green Day since Frank obviously liked them, if his approval of my posters had been any indication.

I knew I had made the right choice when his head began to bob along with the song, and I could faintly hear him humming under his breath, but he was still writing in that damn notebook. I resisted the urge to tease him about being so studious like I usually would, I was trying to win him over, not be an asshole to him.

But that didn't mean I couldn't have some fun, so I picked up another notebook from the clutter that resided on my desk before slipping back onto the bed, placing myself directly behind Frank, which meant my legs were bracketing him, and if he leaned back, he would be pressed against my chest, but he didn't move. For a second, I didn't think he was going to do anything, until finally he turned his head a fraction of an inch and gave me a quizzical look.

"What - it's comfy?" I shrugged my shoulders like it was no big deal, even though I knew to him, it probably was. Much to my relief, he didn't move away, but he didn't stop writing either.

I was seriously getting bored, so I opened my own notebook, and instead of taking notes, because I had done enough of that for one day, I began a rough sketch of Frank, just because I could, and he made such a perfect subject to draw. I was actually getting quite involved in my drawing when the sharp snap of the biology book being closed drew my head up from the page, and I saw that Frank was finally done; he had five pages completely filled with writing, compared to my measly two.

"What are you doing, and don't say taking notes, because I have never seen you so interested in anything school related," Frank asked casually, and I had a brief internal debate over whether I should show him my drawing or not,

On one hand, he might be flattered and open up to me some more, but he could also take it as slightly creepy, and I didn't want him to think badly of me. Plus my drawings weren't something I shared with everyone, they were one of the few things I actually worked hard at and was proud of, but Frank wasn't just anyone, so I ended up flipping the page in his direction, keeping my eyes averted from his so I wouldn't have to face him if he had a bad reaction.

"Wow Gerard, that is actually really good! I had no idea you could draw."

"Oh - um thanks. It's basically the only thing I can do if I'm being honest," I tried to laugh it off, but it was the truth.

"Well that is amazing, you made me look so good, and you were only drawing for like fifteen minutes. All I can draw is stick figures," he chuckled as his eyes drank in my sketch, making me very happy that I had decided to show him.

"So all finished?" I asked causally, because I was never good at receiving compliments, and I wanted to change the subject.

"Yeah I am. Thanks again for letting me come over, your notes actually helped a lot so I didn't have to go through the whole chapter on my own."

"Well any time you need half assed notes to copy, I'm your man." Because I probably would attempt to pay more attention in school now if it involved helping Frank.

"Boys - dinner!" my mom called from downstairs, interrupting our quiet moment, and I cursed the fact that time flew when you were having fun, which meant I hadn't had a chance to make a proper move yet.

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