Chapter Twelve

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This day could not have come quicker. I've been excited to come over to Gerard's house for the movie night since I stood up for him and rebuilt our friendship. We've been texting back and forth, after I gave him my number of course. After discussing the movie genre, we both decided that horror would be just great.

Right now we're both sitting in his bedroom, eating from a bag of plain Lays potato chips while we discuss which movies we should watch.

"I think Silence of the Lambs is a definite yes," Gerard says, taking the movie and putting it to the side.

"Mhm, mhm," I hum, studying the seemingly endless options.

"Final Destination?" I question, holding the case up. It isn't all that scary, but you know, I still think it's good.

He scoots a little closer to me, only a few inches, and looks at the case for a few seconds. "Hmm, yeah, I guess. Put it on the stack. What about... Psycho?"

"Yes," I say immediately, no hesitation. That is a great horror movie.

We spend about an hour doing that until we have enough movies stacked up to last us all night. There's ten movies picked out, sitting in a stack on his night table while he puts the rest back in the cabinet in the living room. I'm being lazy and eating all the junk food.

When he returns, he grabs one of the movies from the stack and goes to his TV stand to put it in the movie player. "Which one?" I ask, too impatient to wait until the main screen comes up.

"Silence of the Lambs. Sorry for not asking, I just... I love that movie," he admits, blushing a little.

"It's no problem, it's a great movie." He nods his head and walks further away, flicking the light off. He walks back over to his bed and jumps on next to me, leaving a little bit of space in between us.


We're on the sequel to Silence of the Lambs now, Hannibal. While I sit up, almost all my attention focused on the screen, I can see Gerard moving over slightly, scooting his being a few inches closer. He did that during the last movie too. I'm not sure if it's because, maybe, he's scared or if it's because of the crush-thing he has on me, but I don't want a seventeen year old to be practically sitting on my lap by the end of the night. So, if he gets too close for my liking, I'm going to say something.

Right now, we're at the end, the last ten, maybe fifteen, minutes playing along. Hannibal Lector is making dinner, and he's just removed the top of the guy's head, revealing his brain. I'll admit, this part always freaks me out a little bit, but I think it has taken a large affect on Gerard because as soon as Hannibal starts cutting into the guy's brain, his hand shoots over and grabs mine, holding onto it with both of his for dear life. "That's so fucked up!" He whisper-shouts.

I simply chuckle at his reaction and allow him to make my hand go numb from the pressure he's putting on it with his own two. I know he's watched the movie before because he told me, but when Clarisse tries to attack Hannibal for the, what?, third time, he's whispering, "Don't, don't.."

I will admit, usually I hate when people are the horror movie type that tell the main character "don't go in there, don't go in there." Or "Turn around!" Or whatever, but it's kind of cute with Gerard clasping onto my hand and trying to tell the main character what to do.

After the end credits start rolling through, I look over at Gerard who is relaxed and still holding my hand to his chest with both of his. His eyes are scanning the screen like he actually gives a shit about who the make-up lady is or who came up with the wardrobe. So, I clear my throat a little, knocking him from the trance. He looks at me, silently asking if I needed something, so I glance down at our hands and back up to his face. He seems to get the picture and lets go, "Right, sorry.."

"It's okay. What movie next?" I ask, picking up the stack and reading all the titles.

"You pick," he answers, getting up and removing Hannibal from the player. So, I look through the stack and decide on Final Destination. Let's go with a movie that won't have him holding my hand for dear life.

When he looks back at me, I get up off the bed and walk over to him, holding out the movie for him to grab and put in the player.

We're at the part in the movie where 'fate' is killing their French teacher. I am, as always, focused on the movie, but not so focused to the point where I don't notice Gerard's little movements. I catch him when he scoots closer, or makes an excuse to even brush his hand on my arm. Now he's right next to me, if my hand wouldn't be sitting next to my leg, he'd be there.

Putting my thoughts to rest, I go back to the movie, watching the scenes go by. That doesn't last long though because Gerard creeps his hand near mine and slowly, as if he's trying to be subtle about it, laces his fingers with mine and loosely holds it. I don't want to make a scene or anything like I did in his car, so I let it slide and allow him to continue. This night is  supposed to be relaxing and not full of drama, I don't want to ruin our friendship.

Once the movie credits start to slide up the screen, Gerard squeezes my hand then lets go of it to scoot off the bed and put in another movie.

After putting Psycho in, he takes his spot once more, sitting as close to me as he was before he got up and clasps my hand in his again. Admittedly, this feels nice, right almost. As stupid and girly as it sounds, his hand feels right in mine, like it's supposed to be there. The innocent gesture warms me, makes me feel relaxed and happy. So, taking Gerard's move, I scoot a little closer.

I try to keep my eyes open, but they keep drooping, closing every now and again for seconds, maybe minutes, at a time. I really want to stay awake for this movie because it's one of my favorites, but it's pretty much impossible at this point. I couldn't tell you what scene it's at. My mind has taken itself off the movie and is focusing solely on sleep which seems like heaven right now. So, I lean over and let my whole being just rest on the thing closest to me, Gerard. If I were thinking right now I'd back off and opt to sleep on the floor but I'm three seconds away from passing out.

Within the next few minutes I've fallen from the real world into one full of dreams and nonexistent scenarios.


So, sorry that this isn't my best writing and I'm sure it moved by quite fast, but I've seriously been struggling with this story. It doesn't help that my mood has been ultimately plummeting these past few weeks, but I'm really trying to make my parts good and. I'm just really sorry, I'm trying..

i love you


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