Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Somehow I managed to pry myself off the park bench and stand on my own. The tears have been shedding since Frank left, never stopping. Sobs have been escaping my lips, I've been quivering nonstop.

I'm not sure what the time is, but it's late and I really should get home before Mom locks the doors. So, I shakily take steps in the direction of my home, only thinking about the previous scene. I'm single. I haven't been dumped in three years. I haven't felt such horrible pain in three years. I haven't cried this much in three years.

My heart has never beat for someone like it did Frank in three whole years. He made me feel alive, he made me feel like a person. He didn't treat me based on my reputation, or rumors. He treated me like a person, like a living being. He was the best thing that's ever happened to me and he just walked away because... because we aren't compatible. It's bullshit.

A lump forms in my throat, making it near impossible for sobs to force their way out of my mouth. The tears get heavier, my legs start to become jelly again. The thought of all of this is making me feel weaker and weaker. I just need to make it the rest of the way up the street..

I slowly make it to my house and take what feels like hours to get up the four steps. I open the door and quietly close it. I don't have near enough energy or motivation to go up the stairs, so I all but throw myself on the couch and let out my emotions in the millionth round of tears and sobs.

I'm not sure how long it is until I hear footsteps thunder down the stairs and close to where I lay, curled up.

"What's wrong with you?" Mikey's harsh voice asks, sending pain through my chest, almost like a knife.

"F-F..." I choke on air, cutting off my sentence. I cough and cough until mucus comes up my throat, but I just swallow it back down.

"F...?" Mikey asks, sounding irritated, annoyed.

"Frank," I whisper, pain swelling in my chest once more. I can't even think about it without massive amounts of pain starting in my chest, much less talk about it.

"What? Did you fuck him and he realized it's not worth it?" Mikey laughs, a much harsher tone in his voice.

"No!" I practically scream, crying more. How could Mikey say that? How could he stand there and laugh while I'm suffering? Does he hate me this much?

"What other option is there? They're usually the ones crying, not you."

"He.. He broke..." My voice starts to shake more, almost becoming impossible to decipher what I'm saying.

"He broke up with you," he states, not even sounding the tiniest bit sorry for me.

"Yes..." I take a deep, shaky breath, trying to calm myself. I can't explain the deal if I'm an emotional, stuttering mess. "He thinks we aren't... com-compatible."

"Well, everyone thought that, he finally fucking caught on. What's the point?" Is he being serious?!

"You don't underst-stand! I fucking l-love him you douche!" I wail, throwing my arms in the air. I hate this, I hate talking to Mikey because he never tries to understand, he only tries to put me down. It really fucking hurts.

"You love him?" He asks. He actually asked, he didn't sound disbelieving.

"Yes, more than Bert or anyone. He.. He treated me like a-a person, not just some... disgusting whore.. I love him." My hands drop into my lap, my watery gaze looking down at them. How would Mikey understand what I'm saying? He's never known love, only hate, malice.

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