Chapter Ten

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I'm honestly surprised Gerard ignored me all today, not that I tried talking to him. He never glanced in my direction during Chemistry, or in the halls. I expected him to apologize for last night or something. Then again, why would I expect that when Gerard isn't the type of person to regret his actions.

It doesn't matter though, I'm home now, watching a movie with my parents. I shouldn't be tiring myself out with thoughts of things that shouldn't matter. Well, it does matter.. He kissed me, and I kind of liked it. I shake my head a few times, what am I thinking?

I focus my attention back on the flat screen displaying Jack and Jill. It wasn't my choice, but I do enjoy the film. I'm honestly in the mood for a horror movie, something that will definitely refocus my thoughts.

Just then, the doorbell rings, echoing around the house. "Here, Frank, can you please get that?" My dad says, handing me a twenty. I nod my head and push myself off the couch.

I clutch the bill in my hand, crumpling it, and walk towards the door. I pull it open and get met with a Dominoes pizza guy. "Good evening, your total is seventeen dollars and twenty-three cents." I smooth out the crumpled bill with my hands and hand it to him after he gives me the three boxes of pizza.

"Keep the change, man," I say with a small smile.

"Ah, thanks, enjoy your night," he says in return, putting the bill in his pocket. I return the phrase and close the door after he walks away.

Due to the pizza starting to burn my hands, I hastily walk to the kitchen and set them down on the table. After setting them out, I read the labels, checking that they got me a cheese pizza, which they did. I go to the cabinet and grab three plates, setting them next to the boxes.

My parents walk in a few seconds later, grabbing their plates and helping themselves to some pizza. So, I grab my own plate and put three pieces of cheese pizza on my plate, walking into the living room to sit on the couch so we can finish the movie.


I wake up feeling even more exhausted than when I originally fell asleep. For some reason, I couldn't sleep for longer than an hour at a time, and when I would wake up, I'd stay awake for a while. It was a restless night and I'd love for nothing more than to just be able to go back to sleep, but I can't. I have school. But thank God it's Friday. So, I think I'll manage today and take a nap when I get home. Hopefully.

I only half try with my look today, throwing on the first thing I find. The amount of fucks given today are impossibly low. I leave my bed head as is, letting my hair stick out as it wishes. The only thing I make sure of is that I actually picked clothes that match, although I'm more than positive all my clothes will always match due to the fact that all I really own are skinny jeans and band merch.

I shove my Converse on my feet and grab my back pack, shouldering it. I walk out of my room and down the stairs, then to the kitchen to grab something to eat really quick.

"Frank," my mom says, chuckling. "You're going to school with your hair like that?"

"Oh yeah, I've lost the ability to care today."

"Well, have fun with that," she comments over the rim of her coffee mug before taking a sip.

I don't reply, only nod my head as I realize all our breakfast food is either not vegetarian or not something you can take on the go. So, I sigh quietly and walk out of the kitchen and into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I only spend a couple of seconds on that because I really don't want to be late for the bus.

After spitting the foam from my mouth, I rinse off my toothbrush, put it in the holder, and walk out. "Bye, mom!"

"Bye, Frank," she replies.

I go outside into the cool air and start my journey to the bus stop, which really isn't that far.


Walking into Chemistry, naturally, I look around at all the people. Some of them are already looking to see who walked in, and one of those faces is Gerard's. I'm tempted to sit by him and talk to him a little bit before school starts. I'm not really all that mad at him, I mean I did like the kiss, but I really don't want to get into all that stuff after just a couple days. I wouldn't necessarily mind getting doing stuff like that with him, but later. A lot later. I'd like to get to know him, even if it just starts with things like his favorite color or his favorite house animal.

He sends me a small smile, one that I can just barely see. I return it quickly before going to my desk.

Maybe I'll talk to him next week, I don't know. Sometime.


Really short, I know, and I'm sorry. Starr has been giving you guys the good stuff and mine are just fillers ((((sorrryyy))))

I love you guys and I'll try to make my next chapter better and longer


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