Chapter Three

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Thank you guys so much for all the votes and comments on this story :) Hopefully you will like this next chapter.

<3 starr

Gerard's POV

One downside of having the school day pass by so quickly thanks to my distracting thoughts of Frank was that I had to be at work that much sooner. I didn't really hate my job, it was decently easy, and it got me money for CDs and cigarettes, but I wasn't in the mood to socialize right now.

Maybe I could pretend to be sick and get sent home wait - I already pulled that two days ago when I forgot to study for my statistics test, so that would come off as suspicious.

With a disgruntled sigh, I entered the busy Starbucks and clocked in after donning my unattractive work uniform. Why is it necessary to wear a shirt that proclaims I am employed here, isn't the fact that I'm standing behind the cash register with a name tag enough?

Waving at Ryan, who was working with me tonight, I settled into my station and began to take order after order, hoping time would fly by as fast as it had in school. Everything was going fine until a familiar giggle broke through my work induced haze, and my eyes snapped up to witness Frank walking in, followed by Mikey and Pete.

"Brendon - can I take my break?" I called out to my manager who was hiding in the back working on payroll. I don't know why, but I didn't want to talk to Frank right now; I still hadn't sorted out how he made me feel, and I'm sure Mikey would find some way to embarrass me in the process.

"After you take those customers orders Gerard, I'm almost done with this." Well so much for that escape. I tried my best to appear calm and collected as Frank approached the counter, he still hadn't noticed me since he was scanning the overhead menu.

"Hey bro - how's work?" Mikey asked, and I cursed him and the fact that he was still unemployed and carefree for the time being.

"Fine I guess..." I grumbled sullenly.

"Well I just want my usual," No surprise there, I don't even know why my brother came to Starbucks since he only got black coffee with a bit of milk, which you could get anywhere.

"I want a green tea frap!" Pete chimed in, and Ryan got to work making their drinks.

"What do you want Frank?" Mikey nudged him gently since he was still staring at all of the choices.

"Um - I don't know...I haven't been to a Starbucks in forever. What do you recommend?" He turned those gorgeous hazel eyes on me, and I almost choked on my tongue trying to answer him.

"Well the pumpkin spice latte just came back, and that's a popular one," I managed to answer him without making a fool of myself, even though I felt a blush creeping onto my cheeks, which I prayed to god he didn't notice.

"That sounds good, I like pumpkins." His smile made my heart skip a beat, and if I wouldn't have looked like a complete idiot, I would have punched myself in the face until I remembered how to act like my normal self.

"Coming right up." I charged them all for their drinks; Pete's and Mikey's were already done, but Ryan was still working on Frank's.

He handed it to me once it was finished, and I slid it across the small table to him. His hand reached for it before I had a chance to move, causing our fingers to brush slightly in the process. As ridiculous as this sounds, I felt an actual jolt tingle throughout my entire body, starting from where our skin touched, and I jerked away in surprise, spilling coffee everywhere in the process.

"Oh my god - I'm so sorry! Just a second, I'll clean this up. Ry - can you make him another one!" I called out in a panicked tone of voice.

"Seriously - it's okay," Frank assured me, but that didn't make me feel like any less of an idiot.

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