Chapter Twenty

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It's been almost a week since Gerard promised to eventually tell me what he's been keeping me in the dark about. And entire week. I've been seriously trying to not bother him about it, but it's difficult. On some days I can definitely see that something is eating him up. I've pointed it out a few times, asking him to just please tell me what's bothering him so I can help. On other days he acts playful with me and jokes around like usual. Today is a good day, him being his playful self on his day off.

He eases his hand towards mine as we slowly walk towards the Starbucks he works at. I definitely gave him a funny look when he wanted to go. Isn't your day off supposed to be spent not in the place you spend forty or more hours a week in?

"Why are we going to Starbucks?" I ask, swinging our intertwined hands and forth ever so slightly.

"I just want to talk to my friend for a few minutes. And I really want some coffee," he answers, leaning over and pecking my cheek quickly. Scarlet rises to the surface of my skin, crawling up my neck. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over the butterflies and nerves I feel around Gerard.

We walk into the coffee shop and go straight to the counter, greeting a man with the name 'Ryan' on his nametag. "Hey, Ry," Gerard greets, letting go of my hand to reach over the counter and ruffle the guy's hair.

"Hey, Gerard, I have some great news," he smiles, looking behind himself for a quick second.

"Me too, I want coffee," he replies. "And Frank wants something too."

"I do?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. "Okay. Um, hot chocolate."

Ryan rings up the total before getting someone behind the counter, and out of sight, to make our orders while he tells Gerard his news.

He sighs dramatically before spitting out the good news. "I asked Brendon out on a date."

"Wh- Really?! Dude, that's awesome! When?" Gerard bluest out, practically throwing himself over the counter to hug his friend.

"When? Like when did I ask him? When is the date? When did he say yes?" Ryan asks, making me laugh a little at his confusion.

"Shut up! When did you ask?"

"This morning."

"Christ, man. When's the date? Soon? Please be soon," Gerard says excitedly, his face turning red with how happy he is for his friend.

"He suggested this Saturday since we're both off. I'm hoping to just take us out to dinner." The look Ryan possesses while talking about Brendon is amazing. His eyes glow with admiration and it's like, even if he isn't talking about specific things about him, he's still thinking about all the wonderful things about him.

"Where at?" Gerard asks, getting serious. His eyes are focused on Ryan's, begging for the answer.

"I don't know, Gee, every date acceptable restaurant is too expensive for what I make in a week," Ryan complains, scooting our drinks across the counter when the other worker, whose name I don't know, sets them down and goes back to where he was.

"Ryan, just about any restaurant is date acceptable. Any restaurant except fast food. Fast food is where you go after you are dating already and you suggest a quick lunch or something and there's nothing at your house." It surprises me the extent of Gerard's knowledge for what is and isn't acceptable for dates when, from everything I've been told, Gerard just dates to have sex. I'm not saying I thought he knew nothing about dating, dates, etc., I'm just saying that, well, that's actually what I was thinking.

"So, is fast food never good? That's all I can afford. I'm poor!" Ryan yells.

"Fast food makes him think you're cheap. You don't want Brendon thinking you're cheap."

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