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*sorry for the wait*

Frank's POV

Four months later...

"He is kicking your ass Gerard," I chuckled softly as I nudged Gerard lightly with my elbow, earning myself a disgruntled groan in response.

"Frank..." Gerard whined, "look what you did, you made me drive off a cliff."

"You are such a sore loser Gee," Mikey crowed as his character crossed the finish line, making this the fifth time in a row that Mikey had completely obliterated Gerard in Mario Kart in the past hour. I had tapped out thirty minutes ago when their sibling rivalry became too intense for me to keep up with, choosing to watch the two tease each other instead of playing for a while, which was much more entertaining, at least for me.

I laughed along with Mikey as Gerard pouted, leaning into my boyfriend's side happily once he had calmed down a bit. He threw his arm over me affectionately, tossing the controller onto the mattress as he pulled me into his lap suddenly.

"Keep it PG guys," Mikey warned us, his eyes rolling obnoxiously as Gerard proceeded to smother my face in feather light kisses. "Okay...well I need to go meet up with Ray and Pete soon, so I'll leave you two alone, just please don't fuck on my bed."

"Oh god Mikey...we won't, we haven't even done that yet," I groaned in embarrassment, doing my best to hide my flaming cheeks by burying them into Gerard's t-shirt.

"Really - damn Gee, you must be crazy for him huh?"

"Yeah I am." Gerard glanced down at me, a loving expression filling his hazel eyes before a mischievous glint overtook them, "but that doesn't mean I won't jack off in here later."

"I swear to god, you better not, I will hate you forever."

"No promises," Gerard chuckled, ducking a halfhearted punch from his younger brother for his snarky comment.

"I will find out if you do, and you will regret it," Mikey threatened, shooting us an evil look from across the room as he switched off the game console and began tugging on his shoes.

"Don't worry Mikey, I won't let him desecrate your sheets," I reassured him, ignoring Gerard's groan of disappointment.

"I knew I could count on you Frank," Mikey grinned, sticking his tongue out at Gerard in a satisfied manner.

"Hey - you are supposed to be on my side," Gerard whined, transforming his face into an adorable pleading expression that just wasn't fair at all.

"I am, but Mikey is my friend too," I hedged, trying to hold back the uproarious laughter that was threatening to choke me.

"Alright...I guess you win, his bed isn't even that comfortable anyway."

"Whatever, it is ten times better than that smelly mess you somehow manage to sleep on every night," Mikey shot back, pinching his nose in-between two of his fingers as if he could smell Gerard's sheets from here.

"You are so mean - get out of here before your friends think you ditched them," Gerard huffed, a wide grin ruining his irritated demeanor.

"I will, tell mom that I will be back around eight if she asks," Mikey called out as he headed downstairs, leaving Gerard and I home alone until his mother returned from work.

"What are you so smiley about?" Gerard asked as he snuggled up into my side lazily.

"Just you and Mikey, how close you have gotten lately, it's really nice to see," I answered truthfully.

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