Chapter 10

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Y/N jumped back as Sachiel continued to throw multiple light spears. Seeing the light spears coming at him, he deflected some of them with his gauntlet as they struck the walls around him.

Sachiel: You move rather quiet for a devil! Shouted as he threw another spear. Though how long can you keep this up!!

Y/N continued to dodge the attacks as he focused on boosting his power.

Ddraig: Boost!!

Y/N: You seriously love talking for being a damn asshole!!

He leaped at Sachiel as he spun kicked but he dodged it with no problem.

Sachiel: Too slow!!

He countered with a gut-punch which connected sending Y/N crashing through several of the pews. Y/n grunted in pain as he started to get annoyed by him.

Ddraig: Boost!!

Y/N got to his feet as deflected a few of the spears but some of them scratched him.

Sachiel: Tch, you're getting annoying for how long you're surviving. Just die so I can take that sacred gear of yours!!!

Sachiel threw dozens of light spears at him at fast speeds.

Y/N 'thought': Oh crap I can deflect all of those! I got to dodge!!

He jumped out of the way as he got hit by a few of them.

Ddraig: Boost!!

One of the light spears struck his shoulder causing him to grunt from the pain.

Y/N: Damn it. This isn't good.

Sachiel appeared behind him grabbing his head and slammed him down to the ground.

Sachiel: Getting sloppy you runt!!

He picked him up before throwing him towards the statue as he crashed into it. Upon impact, he coughed up blood as he fell to the floor.

Ddraig: Boost!!

Y/N gritted his teeth as he slowly got to his feet as he glared at him.

Y/N 'thought': This is a lot tougher than I thought. With him throwing those light spears and his speed, I barely got any time to think. Not to mention, I can properly focus on doubling my power if he keeps this up. The best I can do is three for now in a real fight. Better make this attack count!

He extended his hand out as a red sphere appeared in front of him.

Y/N: Try this on!! Dragon shot!!!

His attack roared through the Church destroying everything in its path

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His attack roared through the Church destroying everything in its path. Sachiel was shocked to see this but avoided the attack just in time. After his attack died down, the path to the door was destroyed with nothing left aside from small spots of fire on the pews and the walls.

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