Chapter 18

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Y/N was in his room going over the spreadsheet he made before coming to Japan. Since Rias now has a new bishop, he added the information on his paper as he thought to himself.

Y/N 'thought': Well that's a bishop for Rias. Though I doubt she'll be a fighter from what Raynare told me. Guess it won't be much of a change in her strength.

Ddraig: Updating the forms huh?

Y/N: I like to keep everything up to date. Any change in their strength can go either way when she gets a new member.

He finished updating the papers as he stretched in his seat. Being rather bored, he decided to walk around the mansion to pass the time. As he walked around the mansion, he saw Esumi looking out the window lost in thought.

Y/N: Everything ok, oba-san?

She looked to see Y/N as she smiled.

Esumi: Oh I'm fine. Said smiling. Just thinking is all.

Y/N: What about?

Esumi: Nothing in particular. How are you liking Japan and being a devil and whatnot?

Y/N: it was a surprise to learn the truth. Honestly, I thought it was all a dream.

Esumi giggled as she smiled.

Esumi: I heard what happened from Ezzan. You were quite angry at him. Espically with what happened between you and Katerea.

Y/N blushed a bit as he was embarrassed by this.

Y/N: S-She came on to me!

Esumi: Though you didn't deny her. Said with a sly smile. She said you fucked her really well.

Y/N was embarrassed by this as he looked away.

Y/N: Pervert.

Esumi giggled as she placed her hand on his chin making him look at her.

Esumi: What she said about you being her master is true. Said as she smiled. Consider it a gift from me.

Y/N: A rather odd gift to give don't you think.

Esumi: Maybe. Though I can give assigned you some more generous women if you want me to~. Said as she smirked. Myself included.

Y/N: WH-Wh-What?! A-Aren't we related?!

Esumi: Well you indeed have our blood running through your veins but by birth, you're not. This means we can have some fun as well~.

Y/N was completely shocked by this as Esumi smirked at him. Needless to say, his mind was a wild mess.

Esumi: Follow me, I think there is something you might want to see. Said as she let go of his chin. You will love it.

Y/N watched her walk ahead as he was confused by what happened.

Y/N 'thought': Fuck. I thought it was bad enough with Katerea and Raynare, but with Obachan? I don't even know where this is even going.

He followed her both curious and slightly aroused by what happened. They walked outside to the garden as she leads them to a wall. Esumi motioned him to follow him as she leads him to a hole in the wall.

Esumi: Go take a look. Said as she smiled. As long as you stay quiet you won't get caught. A little secret from me to you.

Y/N narrows his eyes as he wasn't sure about this. However, he decided to look through the hole as his face immediately turned dark red from what he saw. On the other side, was an outdoor bath as there were multiple women with most if not all were heavy-breasted. Needless to say, he had a nose bleed along with getting a hard boner. Esumi smirked as she leaned next to his ear.

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