Chapter 43

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Y/N and Xenovia attacked Valga trying their best to defeat him. Y/N used his Dragon Slayer Magic on Valga while doubling his power. Xenovia tried to slash at him while Y/N was distracting him.

Valga: Hehe, you're not half bad Red Dragon!!

Y/N blocked his punch as he skidded back quite a bit. Xenovia leaped from behind him slashing at Valga. Her sword hit him as it left a minor cut on him.

Valga: Try as much as you want, your sword won't work on me!

He backhanded Xenovia sending her flying. Y/N dashed towards her catching her before she impacted the wall.

Y/N: You alright?

Xenovia: Yeah. He's quite strong.

Y/N: No kidding. Said sitting her down. Makes me wonder if he's stronger than Kokabiel.

Xenovia: Would you have some plan?

Y/N: Not quiet. However, I might be able to injure him if I can double my power.

Xenovia: Are you planning on using that attack again?

Y/N: not quiet. I got something different in mind.

Valga: Are you trying to strategize? It won't work!!

He started to launch multiple wind blasts as he punched the air. The two of them avoided the attack as Y/N doubled his power.

Xenovia: I'll buy you as much time as I can!! Said as she dashed toward Valga.

Y/N: Wait, Xenovia!!

She started to slash at Valga as he avoided her attacks.

Valga: Ha! This is hardly worth my time!

He caught her blade before landing a punch on her stomach causing her to cough up saliva and blood. Before she could do anything, he slammed his fist down on her as he then kicked her into the wall. He reader his next attack but was stopped as Y/N flew towards him using his new attack with his body engulfed in flames.

Y/N: Fire Dragon Sword horn!!!

Valga coughed up blood as he was sent flying towards the building behind him

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Valga coughed up blood as he was sent flying towards the building behind him. Y/N stoped as he flew over to Xenovia as she was slowly getting back up.

Y/N: Hey take it easy. Don't put yourself.

Xenvoia slowly got up as she held her gut in pain.

Xenvoia: I think that one of my ribs is broken.

Y/N: It's alright. Just relax for now. I can take it from here.

Xenovia: I can still fight.

Y/N: You need to take it easy.

Valga emerged from the rubble as he smirks.

Valga: That stung quite a bit. Said as he smirks. That was a rather interesting attack you did. What did you call it? Dragon Slayer Magic?

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