Chapter 45

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After Y/N had collapsed on the floor, Zina carried him on his back and brought him back to his room where Belfast placed him on the bed. Xenovia was rather confused as was Belfast since this was the first time this ever happened.

Xenvoia: What happened that made him collapse?

Belfast: I'm not sure. However, I need to inform his parents about this. Said as she looks at her. Though I shall show you to your room.

Xenovia: There is a room already prepared.

Belfast: Of course. Said smiling. However, you will be able to purchase things later today.

Xenovia: I see.

Leo, Ryza, and Zina were rather worried as they sat near his bed. Belfast ad Xenovia started to leave the room leaving him with his familiars. Andrius appeared in the room not long after as the four of them curled around him with Leo and Ryza sleeping on his sides, Andrius sleeping near his head and Zina curled up around them.

With Esumi she was running some tests on the blood that she got from Y/N earlier. She was running multiple tests at once as she had her hair tied back to not mess up the testing. Given all that was going on with the Demons, she pulled out her phone and called one of her peerage members still in the demon realm.

???: How may I help, Esumi?

Esumi: Can you send me a copy of the history of Demon Kings?

???: Of course. Is there a reason why you need a copy of it?

Esumi: I just want to double-check on something.

???: Very well. I'll send a copy of it to you soon.

Esumi: Thanks. Has anything happened that I should be aware of?

???: As of right now there hasn't been anything that would get your attention. If something happens we'll let you know.

Esumi: I appreciate it. Also, make sure that Bambietta doesn't do anything reckless. I don't want to clean her mess up for not being able to fuck someone.

???: I'll let her know.

Esumi: Good.

She hung up the phone as she smiles.

Esumi: Pretty sure she'll need to fuck someone as soon as she gets back. Said as she giggles. Luckily for her, my new nephew would be happy to do so since he's already plowed Katerea. Of course, Mileena will be fucking him soon.

She looked at the devices she was using as they were still running the tests.

Esumi: Still, I'm rather curious of who his real father is. If Sasha did fall for a demon, what exactly happened to him?

As she was thinking to herself about the possibilities, a knock came from the door getting her attention.

Esumi: It's open.

The door opened as Sasha walked through which surprised her.

Esumi: Oh Sasha. How can I help you?

Sasha: Do you have a moment?

Esumi was rather curious about this seeing her facial expression.

Esumi: Sure. Said smiling. Go ahead and have a seat.

Sasha shut the door behind her and took a seat near her desk. Esumi got up and made some tea for her. After she made the tea she brought it to her desk and gave her one.

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