Chapter 17

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Morning came as Y/N was walking to school still a bit sore from the sword training he did last night.

Y/N: Man, training with the sword is hard. Ojichan was being freaking tough on me.

Ddraig: You did well for your first time with a sword. Despite getting sacked in the head a few times.

Y/N: Yeah. Plus, he taught me some cool tricks on how to use wind magic to accelerate my punches and punches.

Ddraig: Wind magic can be used in a variety of ways. Keep at it and you can come up with a wide range of attacks.

Y/N: Ture. Said as an idea came to his mind. You know what, I think there is an attack I want to create using fire magic and wind magic.

Ddraig: That so? What kind of attack are you thinking of?

Y/N: Something like a double inferno cyclone. Though it'll require a lot of work and an understanding of how to use fire magic.

Ddraig: Hehe, you'll manage to do it.

Y/N smiled as he continued to walk. As he walked, he sensed something in the distance getting his attention. When he looked where the odd feeling came from, he saw an old abandon church near a hillside.

 When he looked where the odd feeling came from, he saw an old abandon church near a hillside

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Y/N 'thought': Somethings odd with the Church. I better have Raynare check it out. Maybe have her go undercover.

He continued to make his way to school minding his own business. As he walked past the park nearby, he saw the one named Issei and a nun a good distance away from where he was.

Y/N: Well found your pawn Rias. Though he doesn't look anything special. Sorry Ddraig but your other half definitely got the bad option.

Ddraig sighs.

Ddraig: I do pity my other half.

Y/n chuckled as he continued on his way. As he walked, he heard someone run up behind him along.

???: Hey wait up!

Y/n stopped as he turned to see how it was. When he turned around he saw that it was Issei catching up to him.

Y/N: Something I can help you with?

Issei: You're the new guy right? Y/N Soma?

Y/N: Yeah that's me. What's up?

Issei: I saw that you were walking to school so I thought I'd ask you if I walked with ya? Are you ok with that?

Y/N was a bit hesitant at first but decided to go with it.

Y/N: Sure. I don't mind.

Issei: Sweet. Oh, I'm Issei Hyoudou.

Y/N: Nice to meet you, Hyoudou-san.

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