Chapter 33

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Y/N's mind went utterly blank hearing this while Esumi was simply smiling at him.

Y/N's mind went utterly blank hearing this while Esumi was simply smiling at him

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Y/N: Huh? said tilting his head. What was that?

Esumi: Didn't you hear me? Said smiling. I want you to fuck her until she is completely satisfied.

Again his mind went completely blank as Esumi smiled innocently at him. Several minutes went by as nothing happened sitting in utter silence. His mind finally clicked from what she said as he quickly stood up slamming his hands on the table with Zina falling onto the floor.


Esumi: What do you mean? Said so innocently. I'm just asking for that favor you owe me.

Y/N: I know that?!?! Though asking something like utterly bluntly is freaking crazy!?!?!?!

Esumi: I don't think so. Besides, you owe me for saving those two girls. Said smiling.

Y/N tried to think of something to say but wasn't able to as he hung his head down.

Y/N: Just how the hell did things turn out like this?

Esumi: Oh stop complaining. Said smiling. It's a rather interesting life and there will be more events like these happening later on.

Y/N sighs as he sits back down in his seat.

Y/N: Sometimes I doubt that.

Zina leaped up as she headbutted Y/N rather hard.

Y/N: Ow! Said holding his head.

Esumi: Hehe, guess she was annoyed by what you did.

Y/N looked at Zina who was very annoyed looking away from him.

Y/N: Sorry about that Zina.

Zina didn't care about what he said. Y/N pet her head as it instantly changed her mood as Esumi giggled seeing this.

Esumi: She is so cute when she's like that. Though it will be curious to see how big she can get.

Y/N: How big can she get exactly? Zatouji said that she is called a Zinogre.

Esumi: Zingores are thunder wolves in a scene with some scales and spikes. They are solitary hunters, roaming their territory for prey. Plus, they are aggressive and will attack intruders on sight. As for how big they can get, the biggest size I've seen recorded was about 1850 cm.

Y/N: 1850 cm?

Esumi: Yeah. Though putting it in terms of the measurement system that America uses, it's roughly about 63 feet or so.

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