Chapter 25

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Morning came the next day as everyone in the Tempestus Mansion slowly started their day. As for Y/N, he was sound asleep in his room sprawled out on his bed. The sun slowly hit his face as he rolled to his other side. However, as he tried to get more sleep, Belfast pulled the curtains back with the light fully entering his room. When the sun hit his face he woke up instantly as he groaned in annoyance

Y/N: Seriously, Belfast? Said in admixture of tiredness and annoyance.

Belfast: Even if you have the day off you should get up at a respective time.

Y/N slowly sat up as he let out a rather long yawn. He rubbed his eyes a bit before stretching.

Belfast: Katase and Murayama are in the dining hall right now. You should get dressed now so you can join them.

Y/N: Oh yeah. I'm sure they have a lot of questions and are very confused about what happened last night.

He got up as stretched a bit more. After he stretched he went to the bathroom to do his morning routine along with taking a shower while Belfast made his bad in the meantime. Once he was done shower and doing his morning routine he decided to put on some casual clothes and went to the dining room. When he arrived he Katase and Murayama sitting at the table with Esumi.

Katase: Y-Y/N?!

Y/N: Hey. Glad to see you two are alright.

Murayama: What are you doing here?

Y/N: Ugh well. Said as he rubbed the back of my head. This mansion home to say the least.

Katase and Murayama: You're home?!?!?

Y/N: That's right. Said as he chuckled nervously.

Esumi: Alright let's not get all riled up. Said smiling. We'll fill you, two girls, in with all that's happening after we eat some breakfast.

Katase: Huh? What do you mean?

Esumi: Everything will explain later. Said smiling.

Katase and Murayama were confused by this as Y/N took his seat. The other members of the household join them in the dining room as Murayama and Katase were shocked to see both Kaga and Akagi. Maids and Butlers brought out a wide range of food for breakfast which shocked them. After everyone had their full, Esumi brought Y/N and the others to the living room where they sat down on the three couches.

Esumi: Now that our stomachs are full, I'm sure you all have plenty of questions.

Katase: Y-Yeah.

Murayama: Though we don't even know where to start.

Esumi: Well let's start with the beginning. As of right now, the two of you are members of a Devil Household known as the Tempestus.

Katase: D-Devils?

Esumi: That's right. Said smiling. Don't worry, we're nothing like what was told in the books you've read.

Murayama: What do you mean by that?

Esumi: Well putting it plainly, you two are now devils.

Murayama and Katase: WHAT?!?!

Esumi chuckled as she smiled.

Esumi: No need to freak out about anything. It's actually a good thing cause you can live a lot longer than regular humans. Plus, it can be quite fun.

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