o n e

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adam banks

"He's comin' between his legs, Score!", I narrate to myself. "Hey cake-eater!", I know that voice, "Wanna play some real hockey?". I turn to see Jesse, Charlie, Averman, Connie, Guy and Goldberg waiting from me. "Yeah!", I cringe at my own voice crack.

"Took ya long enough!", Jesse teases. We pass by the Fox's house. I haven't talked to Jane in three years. The only time, I have ever seen her was on the TV. She had gotten world famous, for her hockey skills. She is America's 'favorite girl'. At least that's what the media calls her. "You miss her, don't you?", my best friend Charlie asks skating up next to me. "Three years, Charlie. Three years and not a single word.", I rant, "She was my best friend. My first kiss. And she just leaves.". "You kissed her?", Connie gasped, "But same. I miss her but I'm sure she has her reasons.". "Jane moved on so why can't we.", Jesse states.

"Guys, it's and international competition. It's us against the world!", I exclaim as we skate through the park looking for Fulton Reed. Charlie explained to us that the ducks along with Bombay were chosen to represent our country at the junior olympics. Joined by five other hockey players from around the USA. Goldberg starts to roll down a hill, crashing a family's picnic. We turn the corner to see Alex Larson, Dave McGill and Devin King, otherwise known as the hawks, tied to a tree with their pants pulled down. Without even having to guess, "That'll teach em to mess with the ducks!". Of course if was Fulton. Who grew like 4 inches in the past month, standing at 6'1". I'm 5'11", so we are getting there.

The ducks and I begin to skate circles around coach Bombay while chanting ducks over and over again. "Welcome back Ducks! I really missed you guys! Are you ready to fly?", Coach shouts, "Wait, where's Jane?". All of a sudden it gets very awkward.
"Right there.", Averman jokes pointing to a giant billboard. It was advertising hockey apparel and the person wearing it was none other than Jane Fox. "And there.", Goldberg says looking at a vogue magazine. There was Jane Fox on the cover of Vogue. "Oh, does anyone want to call her? We can meet her at the rink.", Bombay suggests. No one talks until Connie speaks up. "Um. Jane is still going to school at Albany. We also haven't talked to her in three years.".


Jane Fox

"Wake up dickhead!", I jump on top of my blonde best friend. Bryce groans rolling onto his back , crushing me underneath him. "Oh good you're up. Where's JJ, I thought she was coming to wake you up?", I hear my other best friend Axel walk in. "Under here!", I attempt to yell but it's comes out quiet. "I have no clue. Can you hand me the sunglasses?", Bryce asks, "This room is way too bright.". Oh I get it, he is hungover. Albany Academy is a very prestigious boarding school, but allows under age drinking on special occasions. Well, at least our coach does. Andrew Fang has been our coach since 5th grade. He only lets us drink alcohol if we win a big game. Like last night, we played the Quebec Titians. Destroyed them 13-1 for the championships. I scored 7, while Axel scored 4. Bryce didn't score because he was our goalie. The only reason they got a point was because the opposing player skated right into him.

Using my hand I cover his eyes, "Ah thank you jj.". "So she is under there! Get off of her Bryce!" Axel shoves Bryce off of me, "We can't have her injured.". Axel is as responsible as a goon can get. While Bryce is the opposite, he is reckless and kinda stupid. But, I love them anyways. Both have been my roommates since my first day four years ago. "Oh come on Rosie. Seasons over.", Bryce complains from the hard wood floor. "Fang says he's got big news for three players on our team. Change into your workout clothes and pack your uniforms. We have school right after.", I continue for Axel. With Axel's help, I'm off Bryce's bed on my way to my own room.

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