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Jane Fox

My alarm goes off signaling that it's 4:30 am. I quickly shut it off so I don't wake Julie up. Fang is supervising a 2 hour workout for me and Ax. We have to be in the hotel gym at 5:15. Dragging my suitcase into the the bathroom, I splash cold water on my face to wake me up. I chose a black sports bra and black shorts and on top just a white button up. Instead of doing my normal french braid, I do a singular bubble braid.

Since hotel breakfast isn't opening till 7, I grab a green apple. 5 am, I should probably go see if Axel is awake. Going without shoes, I take the elevator to level 3. I gently knock a couple times till I hear feet shuffling over to the door. The door opens and there is a very sleepy Axel rubbing his eyes. "Such a cute little boy.", I tease, messing his already messed up hair, "We have to meet Coach Fang down in the gym at 5:15. So get ready.".

I begin stretching waiting for Axel and Coach to arrive. The time is 5:20 am, I swear to god if Fang flakes. As if Axel read my mind, "I love how Fang gives us a time to be ready by, but can't make it on time. Does every adult do that?". I sigh, "Yeah, usually I'm the late one.". Fang walks in with a shorter man by his side. I recognize his face immediately, it was Mr. Bombay. "Good morning guys. I invited Bombay here to observe your workout. Also, so I can inform him about your extra practices and workouts.", Fang explains. Axel sticks out his hand to pull me up.

Right away, I head straight for two 25 pound dumbbells for a quick warmup. Putting my earbuds in, I begin listening to 'Super Freak' by Rick James. Say what you want, that song goes hard. Deciding that's enough warmups, I go to the barbells. Picking up the 120 pound weight, I begin to do squats with the bar behind my head. After working my arms, I go to core. Doing multiple sets of sit-ups, v-ups, different versions of a plank. I finally decided to take a break. Coach Fang and Coach Bombay are sitting at a high table talking. Axel is bench pressing 270. Ax has always focused more on arms while I do more legs and core. Gotta keep my six pack. Having abs really got rid of a lot of my curve. Not that I ever hand any, but what was left of it.

"Fox! Don't just stand there!", Fang yells from his chair. I quickly nod my head and go straight for the treadmill. It's 6 am right now, so we have a little over an hour left. I press play in my walkman. It begins to play 'Kiss' by Prince.

On my seventh mile, "Rosie, JJ come here!". Walking over to the two coach's, Axel throws me an extra towel to wipe my sweat. Knowing I forgot to bring one. "I have informed Gordon about your schedule. I expect you each to stay on task during your extra practices and workouts. Bombay has agreed to supervise some of them. But, i'm trusting you guys will not need an adult.", Fang shakes Bombay hand, "My plane will be leaving soon, so I should get the airport. Bring home the gold. Stay focused, you're not here to make best friends. You're hear to play hockey. Good luck kids, and I want you both to run 4 more miles.". He ruffles our hair and walks off. "Bye Andy!", I tease. Our coach flips me off. Fang is like a teenager when we are off the ice, but when it comes to hockey. He wants perfection, focus and seriousness at his practices.

     Axel and I turn back to the treadmills. "Hey guys! Go eat and get some rest. We already have practice today, and I want you guys at 100%.", Bombay smiles. "But coach just said to run four more miles?", Axel asks confused. "And the team usa coach tells you to go rest.", Coach gently demands. "Alright!", Rosie high fives coach and runs off. "If you don't mind Mr. Bombay, I'm going to continue to workout.", I speak turning around again. "But first, come sit Janie. I need to talk to you.", Bombay points to a chair, Fang previously sat in. "A couple of things, I want to apologize for what I said to you a couple years ago. I was going to apologize sooner but you left right after the championship. Two, don't listen to what Fang said about focusing on hockey. Make some memories and new friends. You can do both. And don't overwork yourself with all these extra practices and workouts. These are all optional now.".

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