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Jane Fox

Coach woke us by banging our door, "Time to get up!". I groan and look over to the clock, 4:30 am. Today, we are leaving for LA. Right when we get there, we have a game against Trinidad. Changing into grey sweats and a navy tank top. Now I'm just waiting for Julie to finish getting ready so we can meet the others downstairs. "Do you have a sweatshirt I could borrow?", Julie asks, "I forgot to leave one out.". All of our hockey stuff and suitcases are at the dorms in LA. So we are left with one carry-on. I throw her my black north star sweatshirt, "Here you are Jules. Ready to go down?".

I throw myself in between Ax and Luis while Julie sits down next to Ax. "Are you guys excited?", Julie asks. Luis can barely open his eyes, mumbling a small yes. "Is little lu tired?", I joke in a baby voice. Luis falls back onto the lobby coach resting his head on my shoulder, "What time did you go to bed?". "3 am, Dwayne was up all night talking to his family. The whole conversation was about his horses.", Luis complains not opening his eyes. "Well you can sleep on the plane, we have to get in the van now.".

Joining the ducks at the airport, we wait at our gate for our plane. "What seat are you?", Axel questions. "34b." "23b" "24b, I get to sit next to Luis.", Axels exclaims, "I'm just glad I'm not sitting by Goldberg. He is kinda annoying.". "You do realize that there are three to a seat right?".

Walking past Luis and Axel on the airplane, they ended up sitting next to Goldberg. Finally finding my seat, I sit down in the middle. I feel a presence sit next to me, "Hey Janie.". I turn to see Banks, "Hello Ad. This is just like old times.", I greet, "Still get nervous on planes?". I used to go on yearly trips with the Banks Family to their Florida house. Adam always got nervous on plane because one time on our way to Florida. The plane was going through a storm, and had bad turbulence. We ended up landing in Tennessee so the plane wouldn't crash. "Kinda, not as bad as before.", he responds. "Excuse me JJ Banksy, I need to get past.", Charlie asks squeezing past Ad and I to the window seat.

     "Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take-off.", a voice announced to the passengers. The plane begins to rumble and I feel someone grab my hand. Adam's fingers lace with mine and I try not to look. The plane begins to pick up pace and Adam's grip tightens. Looking out the window, I make eye contact with Charlie who is wiggling his eyebrows.


adam banks

     Shorty after take-off, Janie fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. Our fingers are loosely interlaced. When I grabbed her hand during take-off, I didn't even realize I did. I mean when she turned her hand, so I properly hold her hand. My stomach flipped, not sure if it was because of the plane or Jane. Do I still like her? After all these years? Even if I do, she doesn't like me. Jane dated another guy from her school, so she moved on. "Still like her?", Charlie asks pausing his music. Charlie was the only one who knew I liked Jane. "I think so.", I state, "But I just want my best friend back.". "Ah best friend than boyfriend.", Charlie declares. I shake my head, "Well looks like her best friend position is already filled by Axel. But, as of right now her boyfriend position is available.", Connie pipes in from behind us. "Don't listen to her, Banks. Take back your position as her best friend. Replace Axel just like he replaced you.", Guy states. Connie slaps his arm making he pull back in pain.

Jane sleeps through the whole flight until the plane starts to descend. "Good morning Janie Jae.", Charlie ruffles her hair. "Fuck off.", she groans slapping his hands away. "We are landing soon Janie.", I inform. Once her eyes open, she starts to blush.


Jane Fox

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