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Jane Fox

     The past week has been busy. Bombay has practicing everyday, watching film every other day. I have a good feeling about our next game. I haven't really talked to Adam, neither has Julie, Axel and Luis. The most I have said to him, was asking him what time practice was at. Axel just glared at him as does Luis. Us three usually have to keep an eye on Julie, cause she wants to, in her words, 'make him feel pain.'. She succeeded. After Jules ran out the day she saw me crying, Adam ended up with a black eye.

      Practice just ended, and the team is heading out for smoothies. I just change into light wash jeans with a white tank top. "Hey Banks! Let's go!", Dean yells walking out of the messy locker room. Adam walks out drying his hair with his towel, "Comin', I'll be right there.". I don't think he sees me standing by my locker tying my hair back with a pink bandanna. Cause he sits down and begins to examine his wrist. I decide it's now or never and walk up to him. "That looks like a big deal.", I say sitting next to him. "Jane! I'm so sorry about what I said.", he rambles. "Forget about that for right now. You said it just hit the pad, were you lying?", I ask, examining his wrist. "It did. Its just sore.", he lies. I grab his athletic tape and begin to wrap it around his wrist, "I know you're lying. You know I can tell, your voice gets really high.". "I'm sorry Jane. I promised-", I interrupt him, "Hey now we both broke a promise.". His friend turns into a small smile, "But, you gonna make it worse if you continue to play. Ad go to the doctor.". The smile fades, "You know I can't do that J.". "No I don't, please enlighten me on why you want to injure you wrist even more.". "My dad flew out to california to watch me play! Do you know how big of a deal that is? He barely came to my PeeWee games! Than there is the scouts. This is my shot!", he stands up. "You're 14 years old Adam! This isn't going to be your only shot! If you continue to play, your wrist is only going to get worse. It can become permanent and hockey could be a lost cause.", I sigh. All he does is look around his wrist, "It's fine Janie. Can you go tell the team, I'm not coming. I'm just gonna back to the dorms.". On my way out of the locker room, I bump into Bombay. "Go check on Adam, his wrist is hurting.", I say walking away.


Adam Banks

      Jane leaves the locker room, so I just sit back down to finish wrapping my wrist. "Now just think how you'd play with two good wrists.", a voice says behind me making me turn, "Coach! It's just a little sore, I'm okay.". "I should have spotted this sooner. Hell, if JJ hadn't told me it was bothering you, I wouldn't have noticed. So sorry man, wasn't doing my job.". I stand up, throwing the tape aside, "Coach, I'm fine. I can play, I swear!". "Okay.", he grabs my extra stick from my locker, "Here. Let's find out.". Trying to find my way out, I go to grab the stick with my left. But he catches me making me rotate the stick around with my right hand. It hurts like hell, so I throw the stick to the floor. "I have to bench you.", Coach sighs. "No you can't do that!" "Adam, you could injure yourself permanently." "I gotta play, all the scouts are here watching me. This is my shot.". "You're young. And you're gonna have plenty of shots, believe me.". Why can't he understand how big this is for me? It doesn't help that JJ doesn't understand but coach?

       "But my dads counting on me.". He apologizes and I sit down staring at the floor. This is my one shot to impress my dad.  I'm already second best to Jaden in school. This is my only chance to outshine him in hockey. To sit out for a stupid injury, he's gonna laugh and call me a wimp. The fact that he is skipping my brother's tournament for this, is a big deal. My dad worked a lot when I was a kid. So when he made it to a game, I wanted so bad to score 100 goals for him. I spent half the game a nervous wreck, my stomach in knots." "That's how I feel.". "Before he died, my dad told me that his happiest times we're watching me skate on this pond we had behind our house. He didn't need me to score 100 goals for him. He was proud of me cause I was his son and I did my best. I'm sure that's how your dad feels. I know it is.". Whatever you say, "Thanks coach.". "Alright let's go get that wrist x-rayed.".

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