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Jane Fox

After waiting 20 minutes in the locker room for Gordon, we decided to head out onto the ice. Expecting to see Gordon waiting on the bench, but when we arrive he is no where to be found. Having no warmup, because we spent that time in the locker room waiting. It's a good thing we played street puck a couple hours ago. The team is gathered on either side of the boards, arguing about what we should do. "Hey team! Hey team! We're gonna be great today, right?", Tibbles runs up to us, "Where's Gordon?". "You tell us.", Luis spats. "Some coach we got.", Axel huffs. "I don't believe this!", Tibbles facial expression falls. "Should have expected this.". Julie sighs. "Bitch.", I mumble causing Julie to mutter an agreement, "Love that he gets on us about wanting 'to go home early', but doesn't even show up to coach us in a elimination game.". "He is such a
hypocrite.", Luis scolds, "Did I use that right?". Axel nods. The best things about being best friends with Jules and Luis, is that they both hate Gordo as much as Axel and I do. "Team usa, I'm sorry but without a coach behind the bench you'll forfeit the game.", the ref informs. The information makes Adam turn his head, "But you can't do that.". "But he can do that, dummy.", I whisper in his ear causing him to playfully roll my eyes. Charlie cuts Adam off by yelling for Miss. Mackay. They talk for about two minutes before Mackay climbs onto the boards. "What are you waitin' for, ice to freeze? Let's play!", she demands deepening her voice. Luckily the ref buys it, beginning the game.

Sending the first line out, I skate out to center ice with Adam on my left and Guy on my right. Coming face to face with a 6 foot German male. A soon as the puck hits the ice, I'm gone. Going towards the opposing net, two defenders are on my tail. Without even thinking, I slap to puck into back of goal. The crowd erupts with cheers as I'm swarmed with hugs by my teammates on the ice. "Change it up!", Miss Mackay yells.

It's the beginning of the third period, and Miss Mackay is doing great as a head coach. The score is 2-2, when I hear a weird high pitched animal noise. "Look who finally shows up.", Fulton scoffs. "Just ignore him. Fox, you take the face off.", Jesse orders and I nod. Bombay comes barging into our bench, calling us in for a meeting, "Let's go! Come on!". He then turns and kisses Miss Mackay on the cheek, I roll my eyes. Skating up to Guy and Fulton on the ice, "Come on. What do we got to lose?". "Respect.", Fulton answers. "He'll just dump us the minute it's all over.", I continue. Charlie comes up behind me and drags me to the bench. Admitting defeat, I walk up and stand in between Axel and Luis.

"Team.", Gordon announces, stepping down from the bench, "Guys. I was wrong.". Axel whispers in my ear, "No shit.". "And I'm sorry, I forgot about the team. And the team is all I have.". "That kinda sucks for him.", Luis mumbles making Axel, Julie and I laugh. "All I want, is another chance. Just one more shot. I'm back, okay? Believe me.", everybody turns to me, "I'm sorry for what I said Jane, it was way out of line. Do you forgive me?". "No.", I respond dryly, "Because you should not only be apologizing to me but also Miss. Mackay, Connie and Julie. What you said was one of the most sexist things I have ever heard, and I can't just forgive you for that. But, I can act like I forgave you until we win this tournament.". The team cheers and Gordon smiles.

Bombay orders 6 boys onto the ice, taking me off. Not a good start but I guess I could sit for a little. I have scored the only two goals this game. Jesse takes the puck behind Goldberg's net and seems to be arguing with Charlie and Goldie. "Hall joined by his teammates behind the team usa net in the third period. They start back out and they form a 'V'. I've heard of this before but I've never seen it. It's the flying 'V' lead by Jesse Hall. Hall up to center ice, Hall with it toward the Germany blue line.", the sports announcer takes a deep breath, "Hall, shot by Averman. He scores!"". 3-2, I'll give Bombay some credit, the flying 'V' was a pretty good idea for this team. The crowd is jumping up and down cheering as we clap on the bench. I think they are forgetting we still have 8 minutes left in the game.

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