t w e l v e 

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Jane Fox

The plane lifts of the ground, as I feel a tight squeeze on my hand. I rub my thumb back and forth on the side of his hand. Just like the last plane ride, I'm holding Adam's hand in comfort. Meeting my eyes, he kisses the side of my head before letting me rest my head on his shoulder.


The team runs ahead of Adam and I, looking at all the rides and games to play. Bombay took us to the pier to celebrate our championship win. Speaking of Bombay, I have no clue where he went. Letting a bunch of 14 year olds run around unsupervised, isn't his brightest idea ever. "Where did you go after the game? You missed the celebration dinner.", Adam asks. "Axel and I went with Bryce to the hospital to get a better x ray. We had to fill him in about what happened at the end of the game since he had to leave before the shootout. Also had to brag about me being the leading scorer in the whole tournament.", I smile causing Adam to smile. "That's a good reason. I was just hoping to finish our conversation from earlier.", he sighs.
"Why don't we talk right now?".

"Okay, so I really like you JJ and was wondering if you would like to go out with me?", Adam scratches the back of his neck. "I really like you too.", I spit out quickly. No matter how hard I try, I have never been good with emotions. "Slow down J." "I like you too.", repeating the words I said before but slower, "I would like to go out with you. So when and where? Are you good?". His arms wrap around my waist lifting me up in the air, spinning me around. "Okay now I'm good.", he chuckles, "How about the day we get home.".

current day

"Quit with all that sappy stuff, it's your turn on tic-tac-toe.", Julie jokingly scoffs. Ripping the pencil out of her grip, I mark an O in the left corner. Of course Julie already knows about me and Adam going on a date. Which is today. Once we arrive home, I get changed and we leave. Julie, Luis and Axel are all staying at a hotel in Minneapolis until the following afternoon. All four of our planes take off at 1:45. With Luis going back to Miami, and Julie to Bangor. Axel and I are returning to Albany Academy to finish our school year which is like 1 month, than helping coach and participate in camps. So I'll be back in Minnesota by July.


"I'll be over to pick you up in and hour and a half.", Adam says before walking off to his house. Approaching my house, I punch in the passcode to open the security gate. I'm immediately greet by a deep barking which I'm guessing is Enzo. My guess is proved right when I see him rounding the corner coming straight for me. "Enzo!", I crouch down opening my arms. Enzo runs right into me, licking my face. Taking notice in my dog's lighter fur. He is getting older which makes me sad. Trying not to focus on that, I have him follow me inside the house.

Going through the hall looking for my family. Peeking my head around the door, I see dark brown hair. "Nini!", my older sister jumps at the sound of
my voice. "Bug! You're back!", she gives me a quick hug, "How long are you staying?". "Till tomorrow morning." She sighs, "Well do you wanna hang out?" "Actually I can't. I'm going on a date with Adam in and hour and than after we are going to a team bonfire.", I respond quickly hoping she won't notice what I said. "A date!", Nina practically yells, "With Adam? Dammit I owe Rick twenty dollars. Forget that, we have to get you ready.". Questioning the fact that she bet on me and Adam, I let her drag me up the stairs into my bedroom. Nina tosses me onto the bed, going straight into the closet. "You barely have any clothes.". "All of my clothes are at my dorm house in Albany.".

Nina eventually decides on a white tank
top with tan cargo pants with a brown belt. She adds a matching brown purse and white shoes. "Hey Nini, you home?", my dads voice rings from the hallway. Wacking my sisters hand away from my hair, I run down the stairs to my dad. "Dad!" Once he realizes it me he hugs me tight, slightly lifting me in the air. "Guess I know who the favorite parent is.", my mom jokes walking into view. Once my dad lets me go, I go hug my mom. "What's got you all dressed up?", my mom asks. "Janie's got a date.", Nina sings throughout the hallway. "What? Who? You can't date yet.", my dad freaks out. "Calm down Josh. Do you know what time you'll be home? I have big news.". "Probably around 11. We are going to a team bonfire after.". The gate buzzed signally Adam's arrival. "Bye guys!".


       Adam and I walk hand in hand around the lake eating ice cream. We had just finished dinner and had a 40 minutes till the bonfire. He insisted on paying for dinner, so I payed for the ice cream. "I still can't believe you payed for the ice cream.", Adam complains. "You are still on that?", I giggle. "Of course I am. Before we even got to the ice cream stand, you threw my wallet into the grass. And when I came back you had already payed.", he pouts. "You big baby.", I nudge his shoulder, noticing that the pout is still there, "Fine. What can I do to make your pout go away?".

"Be my girlfriend?", Adam asks. My heart beat increases when I hear the question. "No, I'm good.", I joke walking away. Adam runs up behind me, lifting me off the ground. "Wrong.", he says flatly before tickling my sides. "Adam stop!", that's all I manage to get out before sliding onto the grass. He stops tickling me and hovers over my body, with an arm on either side of my head. "Okay real talk now.
Will you be my girlfriend?", he asks with a straight face. Resting my hand on his chin, bring his face towards mine. I connect my lips with his. Feeling him smile in the kiss, makes me smile a little. Being the first to pull away he begins to pout again. "Again you are a big baby.", I joke, "But you're my big baby.". "So I'm taking that as a yes?", I nod making him give me quick peck on the lips. Before he dances around, "Come on girlfriend, we must go to a bonfire now.".


Right when I see Julie, I basically tackle her in a hug. "Jules!". She hugs back with equal energy. Once I release her, I hug Connie just as hard. The boys are distracted by Adam coming in with ice cream for everybody. We stopped on the way. "Guess what!", I whisper yell, "Adam asked me to be his girlfriend!". Connie squeals while Julie jumps up and down in her seat. "Finally. That boy takes forever to ask.", Connie answers calmly while Julie basically yells, "No fucking way!". Now that caused heads to turn when Bombay met the eyes of Julie. He gave her a disappointed look. While Miss. Mackay just laughes. "What happened?", Luis asks making all the boys mutter an agreement. "Come on! Tell us, you guys never tell us anything.", Guy attempts to reason. I look at Adam for help when Goldberg's marshmallow caught on fire. Causing the attention to go to them instead of me. "Woah! Charlie help me!" "You're not supposed to light it on fire!", Charlie throws the marshmallow on the ground stomping on it repeatedly.

We all laugh at the two frantic boys when Averman begins to sing. Adam takes his place on
a log next to me, throwing his arm around my shoulder. The team joins in with Averman even Dean starts singing.

"We are the champions."


Adam walks me to my front door. Opening it, only to be called into the living room. My whole family is sitting at the dining table. Vincent immediately gets up from his spot at the table and hugs me tight. "Adam! Come sit! You should hear this too.", my mom points to a seat. "I am hurt that you didn't wait for me to get home.", Vinnie states pulling away from me. "She had a date.", Nina blurts out again. "This, this is why I don't tell you stuff.", Nina rolls her eyes with a smirk remaining on her lips. "Sit.". Vincent goes back to his chair while I sit in the empty one next to Adam.

      "Alright, we have two important news. You are not allowed to tell anyone the first set of news.", my dad goes on, "The Minnesota North stars are leaving Minnesota. They are now the Dallas Stars. Now we have a big decision to make. I could go to Dallas and stay with my team or I could take a year off to help your mom.". "Moms stayed by herself before, she should be fine.", Vincent adds obviously confused. My mom takes. deep breath,

                               "I'm pregnant."


authors note:
This is it! The final chapter in d2! I hope you enjoyed this book. And are looking forward to the final book in the series. Also a big twist at the end! Thanks for 1000 reads, that's crazy!

word count: 1611 words


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