authors note

2.9K 41 7

Before I talk about this story,,, I want to thank everyone for getting Dreams and Only His Touch to 1.4k reads!! That's seriously so cool of you guys :D

Next thing,,, I am working on another really long fanfic(it's a kiribaku one btw)but I was getting writers-block and I had the urge to write smth naegami because I absolutely A D O R E their dynamic :)

Also,,, whenever I write for a long period of time,,, I end up forgetting parts of the characters and end up making them v ooc so enjoy some ooc Byakuya at the end ig-

Last thing, I'm aware the last fic I posted was also a friends w benefits > lovers plot but that's rlly all I can come up with nowadays lmao- plus I do have experience in the field (not the lovers part, but I've fallen for 2 people I've been friends with benefits with, one of which may be reading this, umm... if you know who you are then ignore this pls... anyways) so sorry if it feels the smae as the sakuatsu fic,,, I ~tried~ to make it kinda different by making one germaphobia and the other a total idiot when it comes to romance

So with no further ado, enjoy;

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