Ch10 || Silence

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Byakuya's POV

~~~Wednesday, morning~~~

This time, Makoto and I both woke up at the ringing of my alarm. Much like yesterday, Makoto scrambles out of my room in a hurry. He almost left without a shirt on too and I had to remind him.

It was dumb, but he was cute.

After he leaves, I went to pick up my glasses and clothes I threw on the ground the previous night. Although I notice a piece of paper on the ground.

Makoto probably dropped it when he grabbed his stuff in a hurry.

I pick up my clothes and throw them in my dirty laundry hamper, wipe off my glasses, and pick up the folded sheet of paper.

It wouldn't hurt to take a peek at it, right?

And so, my curiosity gets the best of me and I read it.

Ah, a... love letter... I... don't know how to feel about it...

If it's for me, and Makoto was carrying it, then it makes sense it would be from him which makes me truly happy. Although, the ending said that it wouldn't be given to me directly. That means it's very likely Makoto brought it to me from someone else. Normally I wouldn't care if someone got down on one knee and proposed to me, but if someone gave it to Makoto to give to me, that means that Makoto has 0% feelings for me in that way.

It was also folded nicely which makes it even more likely he meant to give it to me and wasn't meaning to keep it hidden and pretend like he gave it to me. Plus it makes sense he would try and give it to me, I mean this experience-experiment thing is supposed to help me learn romantic feelings so of course he wouldn't hesitate to offer to bring his friend's love letter to me.

There's still a chance though right?

I did start to wonder though;

Why do I want it to be written by Makoto so badly? I guess I do have a small crush on the guy but enough for me to feel upset at the chance a love letter I get isn't from him?

It probably wasn't a good idea to get involved with Makoto Naegi in a way that could make me feel like this...

Makoto's POV due to the fact this chapter would be to short without it,,, plus we needa check in on our egg boy

I close the door to my room and grab my uniform before I enter my bathroom to shower. I turn on the faucet and begin taking off my leather jacket.

Ah wait! There was that note I was carrying still in my pocket! I was thinking about erasing that last part and giving it to Byakuya yesterday at dinner but I totally forgot about it, I know I have it in my pocket though!

Oh... I guess I don't... But I remember that I definitely put it there yesterday! Where could it-

Oh... it could very well have fallen out of my pocket last night when I was at Byakuya's last night...



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