Ch3 || Sublime

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Byakuya's POV


Makoto Naegi is coming to my dorm room tomorrow.

He was probably the person in my class I disliked the least due to his painfully average personality. Well Kirigiri seems fairly normal too compared to the kids in our class but she seems... how do I put it... off.

Of course, I would seriously rather have NOBODY come to my room, ESPECIALLY for a school project.

~~~Saturday, morning~~~

I awake to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I turn it off and stand up as I make my way to grab my clothes from my drawer so I can take a shower.

Once I'm done showering, I make my way down to the dining hall to grab a bite to eat. When I get there though, I see Naegi.

It wasn't just Naegi, he was sitting with Kirigiri and Maizono. There were also a few other students scattered around the cafeteria but I was really only focused on Naegi since I had plans with him today.

I look away from him though, and walk to the line for breakfast. It's Saturday so not everyone is here since most people are sleeping in. There also aren't any people working in the cafeteria on weekends. I mean they came in earlier and made the food but they leave it sitting out for us to get ourselves which I find poor-service.

I grab my usual for breakfast which is toast, fruit salad, and a cup of coffee. I make my way to the table I usually sit at and start to eat the orange slices in my fruit salad.

"Hey Togami!"

I look up and see Naegi.


"I dunno, just wanted to say hey."

"That's dumb. We're going to see each other in 4 and a half hours, couldn't you have waited till then?"

"I guess, but you're here now so I wanted to say hey."

"Well, hello. Now preferably bye because I would rather eat alone.

"Alright, well seeya at 12:00!" The brunette chirps as he walks back to his table.

"M-m-master doesn't mind eating w-with me r-r-right?"

I don't even need to look in the direction of the voice since I already know who it belongs to from the foul stench. 

"Fukawa, I would much rather eat with a plebian such as Naegi than a gremlin such as yourself." I say, staring into my coffee.

"D-direct! I l-like it Master!"


"If it's w-what Master w-w-wants!"

I hear Fukawa shuffle away and then continue to eat my fruit salad when I'm sure she's gone since I just know Fukawa would find a way to sexualize me eating an orange slice.


"Hey Togami!" Naegi chirps as I open my door.

12:00 on the dot, I can't even get mad.

I step aside, allowing the lucky student to enter my room.

I sit on my desk chair and hear Naegi plop down on my bed.

I scoff.

"Do plebeians typically sit on their beds to do homework?"

"Well I would normally sit at my desk but there's only one desk here and you're sitting at it."

"Fair. Let's get started now, shall we?"

I swivel in my chair to look at the brunette.

I can't explain why but, the way the light from the window is pouring through the separate locks of his hair and bouncing off his plain skin and jacket is just... sublime.

Wait what?

"-gami? Togami?"


Shit I was spacing out.

"I asked if we should start with the table or graph?"

I scoff.

"The graph of course. What are you, a neanderthal?"


596 words


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