Ch1 || I'm not sure what to title this ch...

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Makoto's POV

"A love letter? He seems he would be the type of guy who would like to receive one, that is if he seemed to like romantic affection"

"It's a nice idea but I would be way too nervous..."

"Maybe put "anonymous" at the end?"

"That's good but I still feel too nervous. Ugh I'm sorry, I invited you two here to give me advice and I'm just shooting all your ideas down!"

I told my best friends Kyoko and Sayaka that I had a crush and I wanted to tell them who he was and maybe get some input on how to confess but I'm just too scared to actually confess to him...

"It's totally alright! I mean what're friends for? Plus we like hanging out with you for whatever the reason!" Sayaka chirps. "Yeah, plus I don't blame you, I mean we are talking about the cold and apathetic Byakuya Togami here. Kyoko says.

"Reminding me of how it's not gonna work out, thanks for the support!" I say sarcastically. Sayaka and I giggle and Kyoko smiles softly.

I lay my head onto the floor and stare up at my ceiling.

"I would do or say something to him if he didn't just tell me to crawl off into a whole whenever I try to strike up a conversation with him."

"Maybe you could try approaching him with one of his interests?" Sayaka suggests. "That sounds good except for the fact I have no clue where I would start." I say. "Talk about the stock market or something, he likes money right?" Sayaka says. "I don't know anything about the stock market though." I say. "That's it! Ask him about something he likes, like the Togami family for example. With that ego of his he would probably take enjoyment in answering questions about something he likes!" Kyoko says.

"Y'know, that's actually a really good idea! Thank you guys!" I say.

"Now, can we rewatch The Disastrous Life of Saiki K and analyze what characters our class is?" Sayaka asks.

I sling my body up and walk to my laptop. "Of course Ms. Teruhashi~" I chime, causing all 3 of us to lightly chuckle.


366 words


Sorry if this was bad,,, its more of a prologue if you will. Also Byakuya is like my 5th highest kin so I swear it will get better when I start to write in his pov

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