Ch2 || 12:00pm on the dot tomorrow. Don't be late.

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Makoto's POV

~~~Friday, end of school~~~

"12:00pm on the dot tomorrow. Don't be late." Byakuya says. "Yeah of course! I say.

How the fuck did I get here?

~~~Earlier, math class~~~

"Asahina and Oogami are partners." Hina jumps up and down with excitement and Sakura smiles.

"Ishimaru and Owada are partners." Mondo rolls his eyes and sighs loudly and Ishitaka glares at him, not because he's mad at the teachers' decision to partner them up for the math project, but because he's upset at the biker for making obnoxious sounds in class.

"And all that leaves is Naegi and Togami for partners. Remember all of you to have it done by Monday."

What? I'm partners with Togami for a project? Like... BYAKUYA Togami?

The bell rings and most of the class rushes out the door for lunch. I don't though, I'm too busy internally panicking, or as Sayaka likes to say; "gay-panicking", to leave my seat.


I snap my head up to the ultimate affluent progeny.

"I just want to inform you that I'm doing the whole thing by myself since I don't trust you with it at all."

As the blond begins to walk away, I snap back to reality and quickly stand up.


He scoffs and turns around with a grin. Although, his grin quickly shifts to a scowl.

"Who gave you permission to call me by my given name?" he sneers.

"Right sorry, Togami! This is a project we kinda have to work together on." I say. "I'm not cooperating with an imbecile like you. Now kindly, let me be on my way.

Before I can convince him otherwise, the heir has already left the classroom and I'm left with the sound of Ishitaka and the teacher talking over the sound of my rapid heart beat.


As school lets out, I make my way to the front of the building since I made plans to hangout with Sayaka and Kyoko at the park.

But then, I see Byakuya.


"No. I'm working on the project on my own."

"You didn't even let me say anythi-"

"That's because I know what you were going to say."

"Togami. We were assigned to complete the project together!"

"I don't care. I will be going now."

As the blond begins to walk off, I grab his wrist.

"Let go of me commoner!" He shouts as he attempts yanks his arm away.

I'm not very physically strong at all, but Byakuya still can't escape my grip.

"Togami! A big part of our grade is collaboration and I have the 3rd highest grades for math in our class, we're doing the project together.

Byakuya stops struggling and lets out a sigh.

"Look, if I agree, will you stop pestering me?"


"Alright then, I suppose."

"Great! My room or yours?"

"Well your room is probably filthy so I guess we can go to mine.

"Great! Time?"

"12:00pm on the dot tomorrow. Don't be late."

I loosen my grip on the heir's wrist and he walks off to go wherever he was going and I make my way to the park to feed the ducks with Kyoko and Sayaka and probably talk about everything that's happening with Byakuya.


518 words


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