Ch7 || Indulging

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Byakuya's POV

I have a rule to not converse with the same person 2+ times in a day unless absolutely necessary but in truth, I sort of missed the luckster, if that was possible. My mind continues to replay the memory of when him and I were kissing. The feeling his skin felt against my own, the feelings his lips felt against my own.

I have a fear I'm indulging in something that one of the 0.01% shouldn't be indulging in.

I want to continue indulging in it though...

It's 7:30pm now. I remember getting a croissant around this time occasionally to eat at the library and seeing Makoto eating dinner. I could go and see if he's there tonight.

With no hesitation, my feet have already made their way to my door and I'm already twisting the doorknob.

"Makoto, may we speak?"

The brunette, along with the ultimate detective and ultimate star look up at me. My gaze is fixated on the ultimate lucky student though.

"Yeah sure! I'll see you two in a bit!" Makoto says as he stands up.

He begins to walk over to my table but I clear my throat and cock my head to the side at the cafeteria door. Makoto looks confused for a moment but then quickly begins making his way to the door, as do I.

 "Is this about-" "Whatever you're thinking is likely correct. We're going to my room."

The instant we step foot in my room, I shut the door and begin to kiss Makoto's neck. He stumbles back against the wall to my bathroom as I plant passionate kisses all over his skin. He brings his fingers to my hair and begins running them through my blond locks. My hands make their way beneath his jacket but still above his hoodie. I strip his leather jacket off of him and toss it onto the floor.

I slowly push the brunette to my bed and lay him down on it as I throw my glasses off onto my nightstand. My lips make their way to his own and our tongues meet in an instant.

I reach my hands under Makoto's hoodie and my fingers trail above his under-shirt. I feel him mutter my name against my lips. It makes my stomach whirl for whatever reason.

I don't want the feeling to stop.

I break the kiss as I take his hoodie off and through it on the ground. I connect my lips to Makoto's neck and bring my fingertips under Makoto's tanktop and graze his sides repeatedly. The brunette slips his hands underneath my blazer and strips me of it, tossing it somewhere on my floor.


His voice is breathy and drawn out. It makes my heart clench when he says my name in that tone.

This feeling... I've read about it before... As much as I'd like to deny it, I've read far too many romance novels. I was never interested in the topic, it was just there so I went ahead and read one. It was actually interesting so I started reading them a lot. I feel like how the main character describes how they feel when they develop feelings for their 'love interest'.



I'm pulled out of thought when Makoto sighs my name in that same voice again, only causing my chest to grow tighter.

At first this was made to be an experiment, something to ease my curiosity, but we did this earlier right? Why did I ask to do the same thing again? I mean I do enjoy it but why?


591 words


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