Ch4 || A delirious consept

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Byakuya's POV


Makoto Naegi is...

An okay guy.

I admit, I had my doubts about the luckster, hell I had my doubts about the 99.9% in general, but I can put up with him and I don't especially mind his company. Also he did help move the project along quickly.

We finished the project at around 2:00pm and went on our separate ways to eat but he asked me to eat dinner with him tonight.

I declined.

I'm considering eating breakfast with him tomorrow though.

~~~Sunday, morning~~~


The brunette looks up at me as I stand by his table.

"Sit with me." 

Naegi immediately picks up his tray, says his goodbyes to Kirigiri and Maizono and follows me to my table.

"So umm... any specific reason you asked me to sit with you?"

"No, you just invited me to sit with you at dinner last night and I didn't so I'm taking up the offer now."

"Oh okay."

We eat in silence for a few moments. It's comfortable.

Well we were and it was, until;

"M-m-master!? W-why are you sitting with him!? Is h-he telling you h-how ugly I am!?"

"No of course I'm not! We're just eating Toko!"

"No need to respond to this creatine, Makoto."

Naegi's eyes widen and his cheeks grow the slightest tint of pink on them.

"M-master? W-w-why can he sit with you b-but not m-m-me!?"

"Simply put, he's far less repulsive."

"B-b-but I l-love you master! N-not h-h-him!"

I knew Fukawa was crazy but to call this obscene obsession of her's "love"? What the fuck?

"I don't care, now would you please go anywhere else?"

"A-a-alright m-master..."

I hear her shuffle away to some other table.

"Hey umm... Wasn't that a bit harsh? I mean she just told you she loved you and you just told her off."

"No. What she has with me is an obsession, not some silly feeling."

Our table goes silent for a few moments.

"Hey... what would you do if someone said they were in love with you? Besides Fukawa since she's kinda obsessive?"

"Strange question but if I had to answer then-"

Weird. I'm typically a natural at answering dumb questions but I can't this of what the answer would be for this one...


""Byakuya"?" I repeat.

"Sorry it's just... you called me "Makoto" so I thought-"

"It's alright I suppose. I mean I was mainly saying to get Fukawa to leave faster but I don't particularly mind."

"Great! Umm... my question?"

"Well, I would probably just tell them to leave me alone like how I did with Fukawa."

"What if you felt the same for this person?"

I scoff and look up at the lucky boy.

"Impossible. Love isn't a real feeling. It's more of a delirious concept. I mean I assume you could strongly like someone but to go as far as make up some new term for it that makes it seem like this Disney-channel thing is just... feeble-minded."

Naegi hums like he's processed the information.

"Do you think Fukawa truly strongly likes you?"

"Of course not. She's deranged."

Naegi pauses again.

"I think you should consider it. I mean it could just be what you think, an obsession, but I think she could very well be in love with you."

I look up at him.

What did this dimwit just say?

"I just mean like, you said you could strongly like someone and call it love so what if she's obsessed and calls it love because she strongly likes you? Sorry if that doesn't make much sense."

The brunette nervously chuckles at the end and I hum like I just understood something, which I do.

"I assume I could give talking to her a shot. Thank you."

"Of course!"

The luckster and I continue to make small talk as we eat until breakfast is over.

I believe I consider Makoto a friend of mine now.


651 words


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