Ch8 || Experience

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Byakuya's POV

~~~Sunday, nighttime~~~

Fukawa's words kept stirring in my head as I tried to fall asleep.

"I-I always w-want to be near y-you."

I wouldn't say I ALWAYS wanted to be near him, but he's the only person I actually WANT to be around sometimes. Plus I never dislike being around him

"I w-want you t-t-to tell m-me what to d-do!"

This part I think is safe to ignore due to Fukawa's masochistic tendencies.

"I want to t-touch you, it doesn't e-even have to b-be in a s-s-sexual way, I j-just want to f-feel your s-skin."

That, that I do...

"I c-c-can't s-say exactly what it is I l-love about you s-since it's every p-part of you."

I sigh.

I don't feel any emotions that could be considered "love" towards him. I guess I could consider the possibility I have SOME sort of possible liking for him. Such as Fukawa, I couldn't name just one thing about him I admired.


Just maybe...

I do have feelings for the ultimate lucky student afterall...

~~~Monday, morning~~~

"Hey Byakuya! Is it fine if I sit here?"

I look up and see the brunette.

"I assumed you would be able to figure that out by now, yes."

Makoto sets down his tray across from my own and plops down on the seat.

I assume things will feel different today due to the realization I had last night. I'm trying my best not to act differently.

"So umm... Wanna talk about the Togami family? Like the company and stuff?" I look up at the brunette. "You want to learn about the Togami family?" "Yeah, I mean if you wanna talk about it then sure, it seems like a topic you would be passionate about." "No it is, I'm just shocked a plebeian yourself is interested in such an advanced cooperation such as my family." "Well there's no reason I wouldn't wanna know about something my... close friend loves!"

The way he said "close friend" makes me want to throw up.

"Well, th-"


There goes my breakfast talking about something I love with someone I think I like.

"What?" I ask, my voice riddled with irritation.

"I t-took your a-a-advice and g-groomed myself!"

"I don't care. Bother someone else you filthy slob."

"I l-love when master i-i-insults m-me~!"

Why the hell is she making those indecent sounds? She is RUINING everyone's breakfast.

"Respectfully, crawl off into a whole and die."

"Y-y-yes m-master~!"

I groan as Fukawa goes back to another table.

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