Ch5 || Euphoric

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Byakuya's POV

~~~Sunday, noon~~~

"Fukawa. Could we speak?"

The purple haired girl looks up from her book at me.

"O-of course m-m-master!"

Fukawa and I walk outside the library and stand near the door.

"Can I ask what exactly it is you feel for me? And don't just say love since I don't think I fully understand that term. Just tell me what it is you feel and or think when you look at or think about me."

"W-w-well... I-I always w-want to be near y-you. A-and I w-want you t-t-to tell m-me what to d-do! I want to t-touch you, it doesn't e-even have to b-be in a s-s-sexual way, I j-just want to f-feel your s-skin. I c-c-can't s-say exactly what it is I l-love about you s-since it's every p-part of you."

That was... A lot...

"Y'know Fukawa, maybe if you could practice basic grooming habits then I would consider holding your hand or something."

"Hehehe r-r-really!?"

"No. You probably wouldn't be able to. I appreciate you for explaining all that for me though."

"O-of course master!"



The brunette's sitting in a tree, writing something. Well he was writing something until he closed his notebook when I said his name.

"Have you got lunch yet? And If not, would you like to?"

Makoto and I make our way to the dining hall and he grabs a sandwich and potato chips, whereas I just get a salad since I'm not especially hungry.

"So I talked to Fukawa today. I still don't exactly understand if she likes me or is obsessed with me but she said something that struck my interest. I was wondering if I could discuss it with you after lunch but in private?"



"So, what'd you wanna talk to me about?"

Makoto and I are sitting in my room, me on my desk chair and him on my bed, the same thing as for when we were working on the project for math.

"Well, she mentioned something about physical connection. I don't really get the appeal of it, I mean of course I could get why people would want sexual connection but Fukawa said she meant just anything. Like hugging or something along the lines of that."

"So umm... where do I come in on this?"

"Well, I was wondering if you and I could do stuff like hug... or something like that. Romantic things and such if you will, just so I could understand better. I also want to say I'm asking you because I consider you a friend and you were the one who got me to talk to Fukawa who made me curious about all of this. Also don't take it in some strange way of getting closer to you, I've already stated I don't feel anything like love towards plebeians or anyone at all in fact."

"Well I... I guess if I could help you with something you're curious about then I guess I could..."

I let out a sigh.

Physical connection couldn't be too bad right?

I walk over to my bed and sit next to Naegi, not knowing how to start this.

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