Part II| Kisses In The Hallway

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"I loved you more than you'll ever know. A part of me died when I let you go." —Lifehouse.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Blind' by Lifehouse.

Thank you guys so much for all your comments on the previous chapter!! :)



"Okay, have a nice day, guys." Mr. Blake says as we climb out of his car.

Blaze's aloofness is present yet again as he doesn't bother to return his father's farewell.

"Thanks for the ride, Mr. Xander." I smile politely, and he nods.

"Sure, dear. I'll see you kids another time," he beams as he starts up his engine and reverses out of the parking lot.

I hurry to catch up with a long-striding Blaze, who has his knapsack hanging off his shoulder. He's wearing a simple blue T-shirt and a pair of grey shorts. His hair is unkempt and based on observation while we were getting ready to leave this morning, Blaze does comb his hair but he has an unhealthy habit of running his hand through it as soon as it is tidy.

"Blaze, wait up." I finally catch up to him and frown. "Why are you walking so fast?"

Normally he's the one who would be racing to keep in line with my hasty walking. What a turn of the tables.

"To get away from that man," he mutters.

"You've been mad at him since this morning; what did he do?" I lift the straps of my knapsack higher onto my shoulders, while I crane my neck to gaze up at him.

"Have you ever considered the possibility that my dad likes your mom?" He says as we turn the corner in the direction of our English class.

My forehead pleats in confusion. "Well...yeah he does. I mean, they seem like good friends."

"No not in that way, I mean like he's possibly in love or something. I know I am not an expert when it comes to feelings, but I have seen my dad look at women he liked in the past with the same look he does your mom."

I make a face, chewing on my lip. "Um, I don't think he likes her that way. He's probably just being polite. Plus, my mom can't get over my dad."

Blaze stops his tracks and turns to me. "Do you know the saying, 'out of sight, out of mind?'"

I nod. "Yeah..."

"Well, sometimes when a woman doesn't see the man she loves anymore and a new man comes along, she will grab on to that new interest. Especially if he's what she's using to heal herself."

He has a point; that does sound possible, to be honest. And my mom kind of trusts Mr. Blake a bit too much.

I sigh. "'re right. But I don't think they like each other that way..."

Here I am, trying to convince myself.

"Yeah, and that explains why she left her daughter at his house despite being such a strict parent. My take is that they communicate a lot, and something is going on, Harmony."

Based on how Mr. Blake felt great about my being around Blaze yesterday, I don't think he would think of dating my mom, knowing that would break us up.

"I don't know. I just think that maybe they have so much in common so they feel they can confide in each other, although that is dangerous. But my mom loves my dad, and I doubt she would ever—" My speech trails off when my eyes drift to a group of girls at the corner of the hall.

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