Part II| Epilogue| Just A Glimpse Into The Future

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"Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know. She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home. I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets. To carry love, to carry children of our own."

Chapter Theme Song: 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran.


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"Need some coffee, Mr. Xander?" Mirelle, one of my employees, says as she bends over the dispenser for no reason at all. Her skirt is short, and there's a tear in her fishnet stocking.

"No. Just had a drink..." I say and toss my cup into the waste bin. I start walking away as she shouts after me:

"Okay, sir! But if you need anything let me know!"

I walk down the hallway, nodding now and then to the men and ladies that walk by. I sigh in relief when I get back to my office and shut the door. I lean my back against the barrier. Phew. It's always like walking through a den of blood-sucking creatures. Straightening my jacket, I walk to my desk and sit to resume my work.


Blake: I brought you lunch.

I look away from my computer and at the screen of my cellphone. I shake my head to myself as I continue tapping on my keyboard.

My telephone rings from next to me, and I press the speaker button, my secretary's voice filling my office.

"Mr. Xander?"

"Mm?" I answer, squinting my eyes as I read through an e-file on my computer.

"I was wondering if it's okay for me to go fetch my lunch?"

I raise my hand and glance at my watch. 12:49. Her lunch hour is at one. A part of me wants to ask her to wait until then, but another part knows she's quite hardworking and nothing is wrong with allowing her to eat early. This side is also the one currently asking me why I'm such an asshole. That's a question I've answered numerous times. Life is alright when I can't feel anything for anyone except for Harmony Skye. It's not the way to live, but I have been seeking help from a psychiatrist. I didn't make the decision on my own. Harmony practically begged me to go see a shrink. She says it'll make me see the world better and understand why people are the way they are, thus making me operate better as the CEO of my own law firm.

I'm a lawyer now. My uncle, the chairman at Homewood, had allowed me to switch majors without much hassle when I finally decided what I wanted to do. I don't know if my field of profession is fair, considering I have trouble empathizing with people and their problems, but the area does teach me a lot. I think it's one of the best careers that can educate me on emotions and how the human brain is wired.

Some time ago, I even found myself showing up at a couple's, my recent clients' house, and offering them my support for their new bakery opening. I don't know why I did it, but I did. Their land had almost been taken by this wealthy businessman who claimed he wanted to build a housing scheme there. I voiced for them and got them to keep the land. I was pretty shocked when the woman, one of the clients, ran over to me after the last court hearing, when the Judge had declared them fit to keep the land, and hugged me tightly against her. I had no idea what to do with my hands, then. They hung limply at the lady's sides, while her husband offered me a silent apology for his wife's sudden affection.

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