One More Drink Tonight!

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"I found out today that he's a liar. Room full of him, the smell of sorrow." —GJan.

Chapter Theme Song: 'One More Drink' by GJan.

A/N: Lovee the song above <3

~Previously on Rescue My Drowning Heart.

Blaze promises Harmony after their little intimate session during the power outage that she can sleep tight in his arms because he's not going anywhere but Harmony is disappointed when she wakes up to an empty space beside her. When Blaze uses Harmony as his fake girlfriend to turn a girl down, Harmony realizes that the only thing she will ever be for Blaze is a 'pretend' because Blaze doesn't seem to want anything serious. Harmony goes to a party and meets Tia's cousin Kite and he has definitely taken a fancy to her.

Find Out More Below!!



April and the girls are busy getting drunk and dancing the night away while I am feeling terribly claustrophobic and suffocated. I slip through a glass door at the back of the living room, finding that it leads me out into the spacious backyard. Kite has a large pool in the center of it, making the area extremely cool and refreshing.

I recall the near-death experience the last time I was nearby a pool and decide to stay far away from talking strangers holding a bottle of alcohol and possibly having a box of cigarettes in their possession. Wouldn't want Blaze running to the rescue again and then somehow finding a way to get me alone so I can move against his groin.

A few people are outside at different corners, and I even notice a couple boldly making-out while the girl is straddling the guy's lap. I don't look in their direction as I gaze down at the greenish-blue waters of the pool.

"I knew I'd find you here."

A voice comes from behind, and I look around to see the host of this party. Kite.

I smile politely. "Hi."

Now that he's closer, I am just noticing the two gold nobs decorating his earlobes, and he has a tattoo of an hourglass on his neck. Being a sucker for art, I can't help but secretly gawk at the ink on his tanned skin.

"As I thought, you're the type to be at the backyard at a party." He says, standing next to me with the same welcoming smile on his face. His teeth are so white that they're almost glistening, and the crystal sparkles from the pool reflect on half of his face, highlighting a defined cheekbone. He has a few of Tia's attributes. His nose is straight and small, and his lips are red and heart-shaped.

"Well, I guess I am." I bob my head awkwardly, not knowing how to properly converse with strangers.

This reminds me why I never attend these gatherings; I can't communicate with my own breed to save my life.

"I just don't like the noise much..." I try to amend my first attempt at a response, and he smiles.

"I figured, are you from around here or?"

"No, my hometown is in Huston. I board at Homewood."

He nods his head. "Oh, I see. I go to Jaxton University. It's nearby here."

"Wow nice, what's your major?"

He smiles. "Economics, you?"


"Ooh nice, English girl." His teeth catch hold of his bottom lip.

"Yeah, I guess." I chuckle as a placeholder because I have no idea what else to say. God, I want to head back to Homewood.

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