Part II| You're A Liar

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"Run and hide. It's gonna be bad tonight. 'Cause here comes your devil side. It's gonna ruin me." —Foxes.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Devil Side' by Foxes.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and I wish you all a prosperous new year!!!!••

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Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and I wish you all a prosperous new year!!!!


"It's because You. Fucked. Kite. Isn't that it, Harmony Skye?"

I lay motionlessly, staring up at him with parted lips of disbelief and wide eyes of despair. Hot torrents of grief course from them, forming pathways along the sides of my face while Blaze glares at me with what appears to be heartbreak and hatred, all wrapped in one.

It was not supposed to be like this. Why didn't I tell him sooner? I just could not bring myself to do it. Because I knew that no matter how many ways a person could flip the situation, I would still be the one to blame. I trusted Maddie, I drank that liquor, and I am the girl with the stupid need to see the good in other people. When will I finally learn?

I open my mouth, trying to pull my self-defenses from my stomach, but they stay rooted inside me. Refusing to come out; perhaps just as scared as I am.

My speechlessness leaves him with no other conclusion than his statement being the truth, and a broken expression flashes across his face, breaking my shattered heart even further.

"You can't answer." He says softly. His eyes are glossy, hurt glistening in them. "Then I guess that little psycho was correct. You know Harmony, I called you over to confirm if what that sick girl told me was true, and based on your reluctance, I guess it was true, after all."

I shake my head repeatedly. "Blaze...Blaze, it's not like that; I can explain."

"Oh yeah?" His hand slips around to his back pocket and he slides out his cell. In a sobbing state, I watch him as he taps on his phone before extending the device toward my face.

"What the fuck is this then?" He demands.

I blink away the tears blurring my vision as I squint my eyes at the photo on his screen.

It's another horrifying image like the one I had received earlier, but this one is far worse, and when I say far worse, I mean far worse.

I am completely naked, with no bra, no underwear covering my body. Kite is next to me with a blanket draped over his lower body. Both of our eyes are closed, his arms embracing me as the one before.

You can see everything. Everything that is currently hiding under my dress, and I feel my heart drops in my chest.

I gasp in horror and bury my face in my hands, the sight of my nudity being too much to handle. Tears soak the flesh of my palms as I shake my head repeatedly. "Oh God...oh no..." Why would they do that to me?!

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