Part II| Fruits & Flirts

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"I fell in love with a beautiful girl and she still takes my breath away." —Alex & Sierra.

Chapter Theme Song: 'I Love You' by Alex & Sierra.



"How are you, dear?" Mr. Blake smiles warmly at me, exposing the deep dimples in his cheeks. The more I see this man, is the more my belief strengthens that he's a perfect replica of his son.

"I am a little better now." I return a smile as I perch against the bed. I glance over at Blaze, discerning the clear-cut annoyance stamped on his face. Wow, he makes it so obvious that he isn't fond of his father.

"Don't let my son perplex you in your sick state." He says heartily before glaring holes at Blaze, who sucks his teeth and looks away from him.

"Um, is that for me?" I point at the clear plastic bag he has hanging from his fingers.

He nods. "Yes, dear. Just some little snacks. I heard you had a fever? The doctor just told me."

"Yeah. I am feeling a little better now, though."

"Great, I bought you some fruits." He beams.

Blaze shakes his head while glowering at the bag. "You bought the whole damn market."

His father tilts his head. "Yes, Blaze. Anything for this Princess."

I smile and accept the carrier from him. "Thank you."

I tuck a leg beneath me as I peer inside, my face piping up as I grab a banana from it. I am a sucker for fruits, plus I haven't had much since I started attending Homewood.

Blaze sits behind me with a sigh as he brings his head over my shoulders, his breath fanning my neck as he peers into the bag. Reaching his hand around me, he takes an apple from it, and his father frowns.

"Put it back."

He freezes with an open mouth, the fruit in his hand and perched in front of his lips.

"Put the apple back. It's not yours, Blaze. She's sick for Christ's sake; you eat too much."

I look between them nervously as Blaze rolls his eyes and unwillingly puts it back.

"Fine, it's cool. I'll just take it from her mouth when she eats it."

I choke on my banana, slapping my chest as my eyes widen. Blaze looks at me with a soft smile. Did he just say that in front of his dad? Um, okay.

"You're going to kill the poor girl." Mr. Blake shakes his head before the door to the room slides opens, and my mom rushes in worriedly.

Here comes the overprotectiveness.

"Oh my God, Harmony!"

I smile a bit as she takes me into her arms, hugging me dearly as she closes her eyes. Squeezing me a bit too painfully. "I was so worried about you."

And now I am wondering if Blaze told her that it was only a mild fever because she's hugging me so tightly that it feels as though she just heard I had cancer. It's not a surprise, though; my mom is horrifyingly protective. But I love her for it.

She moves away and trails her fingers through my hair. "What happened? How did you get sick?"

Telling her that I was at a pool party for the weekend is equivalent to suicide. It's not the best response, so in this case, honesty isn't the best policy.

"Um, I just fell sick at Homewood. I showered late."

I glance up at Blaze, and he smiles a little at my dishonesty. Mr. Blake catches on to the fable but only purses his lips and rubs his jaw quietly.

"Oh. I am glad you're alright, Harmony. I spoke with the doctors, and they say you can leave soon."

"Alright." I smile.

She shifts her focus to Mr. Blake, and a bright beam makes its way onto her face. "Hi, thanks for stopping by."

He smiles. "It's my pleasure. Regarding the matter you wanted me to look into..."

"Oh yes; let's talk over here." She walks away with him to the corner of the room, and they turn their backs to us as they indistinctly chatter. I am not sure what matter she asked him to look into, but I honestly don't care much to know. Adults always find things to talk about. Boring things sometimes, but I know it's never uninteresting for them.

Absentmindedly watching my Mom and Mr. Blake, I bite into my apple, and Blaze suddenly grabs my cheeks in his hand, plants his lips on mine, and uses his tongue to pull the apple from my mouth and into his.

My eyes grow wide as my heart capsizes in my chest.

He laughs at my expression, chewing the piece of fruit around while gazing at me with a smoky gleam in his eyes. "Told you I'd take it from your mouth."

I quickly glance in my mom's direction to check if she witnessed that, but luckily, she is utterly consumed in her conversation. Thank the heavens.

"Blaze..." My cheeks are now blood-red. "You really can't do that..."

"Why?" He grins childishly, and I want to smile because I haven't seen this side of him in a while.

"Our parents are right at the corner."

"Yeah, and so? I'd even do it in front of your mom."

Oh, I know he will. This boy is not sane.

"Harmony." My mom turns around, and I cannot stop my body from jerking like a disobedient kid caught red-handed. I am so obvious.

"I am going to get you checked out, baby." She says, and I nod. "Okay."

She walks out while laughing and talking to Mr. Blake, and as soon as the door closes, Blaze pushes me against the bed and hovers over me.

Okay. I wasn't ready.

I blink up at him, feeling like an ant beneath his captivity.

"What-what are you doing?"

"What do you think? We weren't done," he whispers as his lips turn up in a wicked smile.

Is he crazy?

"Blaze, you cannot..." I gasp as his warm hand slips under his T-shirt, touching my stomach.

"I cannot what?" He challenges as his smile grows wider.

"You cannot do this right now; the front desk is just a few feet away and they will be back any—"

He gropes my chest, and another gasp leaves my lips, this time followed by a rapid increase in heart rate.

"Any what?" He presses, his head coming in to graze his lips against mine. "You were saying something."

"We cannot..." I can't finish because he's now massaging one of the small buds on my chest through my thin lace bra. He knows I won't be able to speak now.

"I think you should take my T-shirt off, green eyes... because I can't contain myself when you're wearing it."

His lips gently peck mine and the feel of them wakes the once sleeping desire within me.

"Blaze, we can't..."

"We can't what? Your body is telling me you want me to touch you, Harmony."

I swallow. "I-I know... but... we can't..."

The door begins to open, and I push him off me in a swift as my mom and Mr. Blake strolls in.

I am panting heavily as I hastily sit up, and Blaze's cheeks are flushed, but he's still fighting to keep a smirk off his face.

He thinks this is funny and it's not.

My mom looks between us both, and she seems confused. "Uh, are you kids alright?"

Mr. Blake chuckles with a knowing look, shaking his head. "Haha. Trust me, they are."

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