As Long As I Am Here, No-one Can Hurt You

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"As long as I am here, no-one can hurt you."—Billie Eilish.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Everything I Wanted' by Billie Eilish.



Blaze puts me to sit on my bunk bed while he briskly walks to the bathroom. My mind begins to replay the stomach-clenching predicament that had just taken place, and the hairs on my skin stand up chillingly.

Blaze would have certainly killed Mr. Jones; the poisonous look in his orbs told me that. They were lifeless and cold, holding no form of mercy or humanity.

Naturally, his eyes tend to possess this vacancy that always leaves me confused, but the blackness in them today shoved me in a state of apprehension. They were nothing like the usual, and it scared me.

Although Mr. Jones deserves to be beaten for what he had tried to do to me, I wouldn't want to see Blaze ruin himself like that. The thought of him murdering his lecturer and then being sent to prison for life is dreadfully frightening. I would never see him again, and I am not sure how I would feel about that considering how emotionally attached to him I am becoming. He would probably leave with a part of me.

God, I should stop this. I shouldn't get too fixated on him; I don't think it's safe. Plus, he had already told me his views on love. He has been pretty honest with me, so if I should get hurt in the end, I am the one to be blamed, right?

He returns with a damp rag and sits in front of me. His forehead is still crumpled in anger and his eyes still have the dark effect.

"Where did he touch you?"

I swallow. "Just my arms..."

He takes my hand in his and begins to wipe my arm down to my palm. I am not sure why he's doing that.

"Why are you—"

"I don't want his touch on you," he clarifies, his eyes lifting to meet mine. "I don't want to know that his touch is still on your skin. Do you understand?"

I nod my head as I begin to blush beyond my conscious control.

When he says things like that, it's hard not to fall deeply in love with him.

I sink my gaze as he continues. His touch is gentle as he trails the rag along my skin, and I wonder if he exercises this amount of consideration toward everyone. Before I can withhold the question, it falls from my lips.

"Do you care for everyone like this?"

His hands cease their actions as he keeps his head bent, and I try to analyze his blank expression but fail to. I can never tell what he's thinking, and that sucks. If I could, then I would be able to discover all the secrets and scars he's hiding away from me.

"No. I don't normally care for anyone... Ever."

He lifts his head and grips the side of my face, tilting it so he can see the bruise on my opposite cheek. He sighs and grabs the first aid kit from the bed next to him. "I told you to stay away from him."

"Yeah but... he overheard me saying bad stuff about him and said he needed to talk to me about it or else I would get banned from English."

Blaze looks at me as if my response sounded pretty stupid, and now that I think about it, it does sound silly.

"You wouldn't get banned that easily. What exactly did he hear you say?"

"That he's... boring."

Blaze hisses. "No one gets banned for something like that. He was just luring you into his disgusting plans. I think you took the carrot on the trap, Harmony."

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