Part II| Who Is This Girl?

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"But if you love me, just like the way that I love you, I wouldn't mind a little comforting from you." —Tatiana Manaois.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Helplessly' by Tatiana Manaois.



The beat of my heart quickens when I feel Blaze's lips against my neck, giving me one of those pink marks he likes to leave on my skin. Perhaps as a symbol of what's his. He's practically french-kissing me there, his tongue and teeth working its magic on my body.

I blow my cheeks out and avert my eyes to the ceiling, tracing the patterns on it and hoping that'll keep my heart from failing. The adrenaline rushing through my veins is just too much to handle, and the fact that our squishing middles are revealing the slope prodding against his jeans makes it even harder to breathe. He's a highly sexual being—I am getting to realize that.

He threads his fingers through my hair, tilting my head ever so slightly so that my throat is open to his view. He presses his mouth there, and my eyes almost roll to the back of my head from how good it feels. His lips are cool and moist, setting off a tizzy feeling in my stomach.

His hand is still wandering my leg, and my arousal instantly intensifies when I think of the dangerous things that could happen here, in a room alone with Blaze Xander—they just seem so many.

"You always smell like a mixture of strawberries and cherries; what body wash do you use?" His lips move against me, sending a tremor down my back.

"Um..." I try to find my voice. "It-it's called Just for Girls. It's a brand my Mom... discovered the other day, but it's not- um..."

His hand slips under my shirt and I close my eyes.

"It's not what?"

"Officially on the market yet..."

"Oh..." While he's tracing his fingertips along my waistline, his lips roam to the top of my breasts, and I pull a harsh breath in.

Blaze chuckles at the reaction but doesn't stop kissing the area. "You okay?"

"Y-yeah...I think..."

I hear movements below and drop my eyes, watching as he skillfully uses two slender fingers to undo the button of my jeans.

As the fabric separates, my mint-green underwear with little watermelons allocated on it exposes to his view, and I look up to find him watching me with that well-known glint in his eyes.

His teeth catch hold of his lip as he slides his warm hand into the open space of my pants. Then the tip of his middle finger traces the single seam in the center, lightly brushing over the sensitive place that only he has ever had access to.

Unable to keep his burning gaze, I close my eyes and lay my head against the arm of the sofa, keeping my legs open and allowing him to do whatever he wants to me.

Two of his fingers fondle with the waistband of my panties before outlining the skin of my waists. My lips part in anticipation, waiting for the moment they'll make their grand entrance.

I remember a time when intimate contacts used to scare me, but it's not that way with Blaze Xander anymore. His touch is pleasant, desirable, and he knows where to touch and what to say to help you reach your point of fulfillment fast and intensely. He roams all the right places as if he has been studying a woman's body all his life. I don't know how he does it, but he makes me feel beautiful whenever he touches me.

But to my secret disappointment, he doesn't go inside my underwear. Instead, his fingers still on my body, causing me to feel empty and odd without their movements.

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