Only You Can Save Me

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"Without you, I would fall apart. I'm safe when I am in your arms. And only you can set me free and only you can save me." —Darin.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Only You Can Save Me' by Darin.



I enter the lecturers' staffroom behind him to discover an empty space. I was hoping a few teachers would be sitting around but none seems to be present.

The interior is like any other typical teachers' quarters with piles of books on the desks and overcrowded work areas, littered with loose papers.

"Where is everyone?" I ask looking around. His response delays as he briskly trod down to the back of the room, the sounds of the ceiling fan and his footsteps being the only noises present.

"At a meeting. That I am supposed to be at, but your rude remarks landed us here, Ms. Skye." He finally presents a response as he opens a door to what looks like his office. It squeaks as it lands against the wall, and he steps aside to grant me access. "After you."

I stare at him hesitantly for a while, leading him to glance down at his wristwatch impatiently. "I have a class soon, Harmony."

He creeps me out, but I would like to believe that he would never attempt anything when teachers could most likely return at any moment.

His office is dull and cramped, holding just a few worn-down furniture; a wooden desk with a chair tucked under it, a discolored ceiling fan, and few art pieces hanging on the cream walls. Normally they would have caught my eye, but not today, I am way too discomforted to pay attention to them. A photo of a mature lady and a little girl is sitting on his desk—presumably, his family. The silver ring on his marital finger does not go unnoticed by me.

I reluctantly step into the room but stand in the doorway, rubbing a hand along my arm with unease.

He steps in behind me, so close that I feel his round stomach against my back, and I quickly move to the side while he closes the door behind us.

Awkwardly standing in my position, I watch as he shrugs his grey jacket off, a thick silence hanging in the atmosphere. The feelings of premonition I tend to get whenever I converse with this man comes back with great intensity, and I wish that he would quickly say what he needs to so that I can leave.

"Um, Mr. Jones—"

"The work you did in class last week," he begins, pushing up some of the contents on his desk so he can find a clear spot to sit in. "You did really bad on it, Harmony."

I notice he grips the photo frame of his wife and kid and turns it down onto its face. What is that about?

I tear my eyes away from the action and look back to him as he raises his chin expectantly, shoving his palms into the pockets of his grey trousers.

How can he say that I did bad on my classwork? Is he talking about the exercise we did on The French Revolution? I am positive that I did fairly well on that assignment that I even shared my pointers with Blaze and assisted him with his in class. He must have made a mistake.

"Are you sure?" I ask with an eyebrow raised in question. "I am very much aware of my potential and I don't think I did bad. Do you have the paper with you? Could I have a look?"

I am always ready to fight for my grades especially if I feel I was marked unfairly.

"Oh no, I didn't bring it with me today. You got a C though and I am very disappointed."

He gets up and walks to the door to close the notch, and my brows furrow tightly. The action feels ominous, but I try not to get too anxious. Anxiety makes you impulsive, and he wouldn't dare to attempt anything inside a staff room now, would he?

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