Part II| Tell Me Why

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"The time I thought that we would have, was taken from red to black." —Freya Ridings.                                                                 

Chapter Theme Song: 'You Mean The World To Me' by Freya Ridings.

A/N: Please listen to the above song! :)

A/N: Please listen to the above song! :)

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"Harmony." April waves a palm in front of my face, and when she gets no acknowledgment, she snaps her fingers. "Harmony!"

I jolt out of my thoughts. It happened again. I keep getting absentminded since yesterday, my head consistently floating back to the red stain on those sheets.

I turn my face to April, who is watching me worriedly. "Yes?"

Crossing her arms against her chest, she sits next to me on the bed. "Are you okay? You keep having this void look on your face whenever I am talking to you. One that looks exactly like this." She mimics the vacant look, pressing her lips together to visualize, and I laugh a little.

"No, seriously, Harmony, are you okay? You've been acting a little weird."

I sigh. "April...can I ask you something?"

"Of course." She repositions herself to face me attentively. "You always can."

"Can a person get drunk after drinking one small shot of liquor?"

She tilts her head, narrowing her eyes while she thinks about it. "Mm, is this person a lightweight?"

"Yeah, but it was like literally a quarter glass of alcohol."

"Maybe, if they aren't used to it." She shrugs, and my heart sinks further in my chest. I render a tight-lipped smile and drop my gaze.

"Okay," I mutter. "Thanks."

"Another possible way is if someone slipped a drug in the liquor." She adds, leaning back on her palms.

That sparks my interest, and I lift my head again. "Drug?"

"Yeah. College kids do that a lot, and they have some very effective ones that can knock you out in mere seconds." Then she smiles, shaking her head as if she recalls something. "James was drugged by one of his friends once, and he had no idea until he woke up the following morning. He was pissed."

She continues to chatter on about him while I am busy mentally interrogating my dilemma.

Could it be that Maddie slipped something in the drink? Because of the chaos that has been happening, I haven't properly sat down to analyze and weigh the odds. A huge part of me knows that I am not knowledgeable about alcohol, so I cannot tell if I genuinely got drunk after drinking the liquor. But somehow, I woke up in her room out of all places, so it makes me wonder if this was all a plan.

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