Part II| It Is The Thought That Hurts

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"I'm ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight." —Alex & Sierra.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Little Do You Know' by Alex & Sierra.

⚠️WARNING: Chapter Contains Mature Sexual Content.

A/N: Please listen to the above song! :)



Blaze introduces me to a different kind of tenderness that I haven't gotten from him before. His kiss is slow and gentle, sucking the air from my lungs and replacing it with desire and passion.

It is like a breath of fresh air, leaving me wondering if I had even been alive before our lips made contact. My soul blossoms like a rose as a rush of warmth flow down my body and to my core.

His wet tongue seeps its way in, exploring the corners of my mouth as he encircles his arms around me. The touching of our bodies heats the kiss in a matter of seconds, and our mouths tangle together, our breaths now ragged and eager.

I am now lying against his bed, on my back, having no idea how I ended up in the position as he continues his sweet onslaught against my lips. Jolts of shiver run down my back as his right hand begins to venture my body, exploring my thigh and having me now feeling heated despite the cold air coming through his windows.

The scent of his body hugs me like a soft cloak as he travels along my cheek to get to my neck, offering a distraction as his wandering hand disappears beneath my T-shirt. He caresses my bare stomach, and I intake a sharp breath at the feeling while he's skimming my neck and leaving behind red bruises.

A pleasant sensation is sent to the most private area of my body as he roams his way down to my chest, peppering my throat with short, butterfly kisses. My breathing is now audible, and I am almost sure he can hear my erratic heartbeat.

"I am mad, Harmony..." He coos against my skin. "I am mad that Kite got to kiss your lips too. I wanted to be the only one."

He lifts his head to look me in the eyes, and the lust his gaze hold is enough to fill up the pool between my thighs.

He brushes his lips against mine and whispers in my mouth.

"I want to see you. All of you."

I bring my eyes up to look at him, confusion sparking within them. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"I want to see what you show to no one." He tugs my bottom lip between his teeth. I close my eyes with a moan and nod. I am not sure what exactly I just nodded to.

The hand that is now tracing small circles around my navel frees itself from my clothes. Locking my timid stare, he gathers the hem of my T-shirt in a pile and lifts it just below my neck.

A gush of air blows against my naked chest, and I flush as his eyes break away from mine and drops to the aroused buttons there.

He bites his lower lip, and the action sends a heatwave all over my body.

"You're so sexy..."

Raising his eyes to mine, he leans his head in and takes one of the pink buds between his lips. I gasp, my head pressing into the soft pillows of his bed while he's sucking and nipping on my chest. His other hand clasps the opposite one, and he's gently squeezing and massaging it, rolling the rigid nob perched on my areola on the pad of his thumb.

I grip onto the sheets; my knuckles pale from firmly clenching the fabric.

He works his tongue around my breasts, grazing them with his teeth and ensuring both are tended to equally. It feels good, and I feel like I'd orgasm just from him kissing and touching me this way.

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