An Unexpected Reunion .... Again

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I stared at Namjoon, my teacher, dumbfounded. He was as handsome as I remembered him to be.

What kind of crazy twist of fate was this? How did I end up following courses of two past lovers. Both in different cities and different universities.

I couldn't even make that shit up myself.

The memories of that weekend flashed through my mind.

I did tense up, what should I do? Talk to him after class? or just ignore it all together?

I mean it was just a weekend we had spent together.

That's a lie,

It wasn't just a weekend, it was very magical and it was hard to accurately describe that in words. It was obviously in the past, I didn't have lingering feelings. That, as I acknowledged, wasn't a lie. Frankly, Namjoon hadn't crossed my mind in months, but seeing him again was not entirely without any affect.

Class passed in a painfully slow way. How was I supposed to focus while my mind was only stressing about what I should do?

Finally that damn bell rang. I slowly stood up. still unsure if I should talk to the guy or not. Namjoon was at his little desk and we all passed it in a line. He bid everyone farewell, he glanced once my way, seeing that I was soon passing his little table.

Okay I'll just wait for what he is going to do, ignore it or not.

My heart rapidly beating against my chest as I walked passed him.

   'Miss y/l/n, could I speak to you for a moment?' he asked with a soft smile.

    'Yes of course' I nudged at Luna indicated she could go ahead.

As soon as the lecture hall cleared out Namjoon spoke.

   'What an insane coincidence isn't it?' he asked without saying anything else. With a sincere surprised tone in his voice.

    'Yes it is' I answered in a similarly surprised way. 

    'It's good to see you! How have you been?' he then asked, it was rather interesting because he didn't make it uncomfortable or tense at all. It was indeed asking a friend you hadn't seen in a while how they were doing.

    'I uh I have been good, what about you?'

    'Me too, so you eventually moved to Busan? I thought you really loved Seoul?'

    'I did yes, but I wanted to do this masters and my boyfriend got a job at another university so we decided it was a good idea to move.'

    'ah lucky man' Namjoon indicated and I smiled but while feeling my cheeks fluster.

   'Hey I wanted to just talk to you to say I don't feel uncomfortable with the situation, we had a good weekend a long time ago but in this setting you are foremost my student and I will treat you as such. In any case that you feel uncertain or weird about the situation we could see if we can discuss something with one of the counselors who have confidentiality obligations'

Namjoon explained it clearly and objectively. I don't know why but I was nervous the entire class because I was afraid something similar with Taehyung would happen. as in not acknowledging the history and its implications, but this was the opposite. Namjoon put it all out in the open. It was a mature approach, not to make it bigger than it was.

   'I agree, I don't feel uncomfortable either. Thank you for clearing the air like this.'

He smiled and I could now see his adorable dimples.

   'No problem, and I cannot wait to see what you have to offer in my classes y/n.'

I bowed 'thank you very much sir.'

   'Enjoy the rest of your day' he then said indicating a clear end to our conversation.

I walked out the lecture hall with a feeling of relief.

It wasn't going to be another semester filled with uncomfortableness and drama.

Luna ran my way and grabbed my arm.

  'What did you talk about? Tell me everything!'

I chuckled at how impatient she was. I started to walk forwards, so that we would arrive in time for the bus.

   'Actually he was very open and we cleared the air and we will just treat each other normally. plus he indicated if I feel in any way uncomfortable we can arrange a conversation with one of those counselors, but I don't see the need yet.'

    'That was kind of unexpected' she said while pouting

     'I know right! Wait why are you pouting?' I asked, I mean it was a good thing how this went right?

She smirked 'would have been fun to have some drama added.'

I playfully hit her 'no I am just joking, this is really good' she added. 

We both laughed again.

   'And honestly well done y/n.'

   'Thanks, it was actually well done by him' I indicated as I thought she meant the conversation.

    'No I mean sleeping with him, he is really an attractive human being.'

    'Hey! don't you have Jimin' I exclaimed as a response.

    'yes ofcourse, Jimin has my heart and soul but that doesn't mean I cannot look at and appreciate other handsome man from a distance.'

I shrugged

She also shrugged 'I mean he won't look away when Rachel Mcadams walks by.'

It was no secret that that was Jimin's favorite actress. I laughed 'you won't even look away if she does.'

Luna laughed as well 'fair enough' . Her laugh disappeared

   'Are you going to tell Taehyung?'

I stared ahead and was silent for a moment.

I thought about that time when he found out about Jae, he was so jealous and mean. What happened with Namjoon was in the past, plus we discussed just now that that's all it was, a memory. If I tell Taehyung there is a big chance he would get jealous or angry again. 

It would be the easiest way out to not tell him but I valued sincerity the most. Especially after everything we have been through. If he had told me when I was 17 that my brother had threatened him things could have been different, or if I had told him immediately about Jae it didn't come as such a surprise in such an inconvenient time and setting.

All of this gave me the answer to that question

   'Yess I will tell him.'

   'How do you think he will react?' Luna asked with some worry.

   'I have no idea, but assuming won't get us very far. I will find out tonight' I answered.

In the meantime we had arrived at the bus stop and in five minutes my bus would depart and as Luna lived at a different part in town she had to take another bus.

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